Well, I had an interesting night on the job.
First, I got off the bus and walked 10 blocks to work. I was hurrying to try and beat this rain, but it got me when I was halfway to work. I had my raincoat on but it didn't do much for my pants which got soaked wet. I developed a rash as a result of a wet pants rubbing on my left leg. Ouch, sure hurts and burns. Shoes was soaked too. Squish! Squish! I need an umbrella, but don't have one.
Then about 3 hrs into the shift, cop cars was all over the place on a 10 block radius looking for some guy. I dunno what he had done, but they were looking for an hispanic guy wearing a red/white shirt and blue jeans. 4 different agencies was looking for him, Noblesville, Fishers, Indy and Hamilton County. Then less than 10 guys walked on the lot of my store wearing army fatigues carring what looks like M-15s and other ordanances following a bloodhound along with a K-9 police dog. There was like 3 dozen squad cars running around everywhere.
Then much later around 3:30 AM, a guy I recognized who used to stay at the missions where I am staying came to the store and I'm like "What the heck is he doing all the way out here???" and he bought some cigs and left. 5 minutes later some cop asked me if I had seen him. I said yes and that he went south.
2 different dudes and cops are looking for'em. Sheesh!
Then I come home dead tired and went to bed. Then Mr. Bed Shaker (my bunk mate) is keeping me up as usual, so I only had 4 1/2 hrs of sleep so I just got fed up and got up.
Just came by the forum to see how things are going.
Later guys!