JWS writes:
Only problem is everybody solves those things differently.
And you are reiterating my point. It is not my opinion that is important, but Gods. The bible usually answers or interprets itself in a pretty straight forward manor, like it does on the issue of Abraham's "only" son.
On the one hand they will tell you trust in God so that he can work his plan. But on the other you'll say things like "I'm praying for a job, or a spouse, or children" and it never happens. And they will tell you, well it won't happen just by praying. God will help you in your efforts. But you have to do something. Here, Abraham did something and you treat him as if he was being unfaithful.
Excellent points. I would just like to add that the bible reveals that we are born enemies of God. While still in our hostility toward him, Christ died for us, in our place, becoming sin for us, receiving our due punishment. I am unsure of the results of a person who places their primary trust in a organization, themselves, men, ideologies etc. & who then pray for certain things.
The bible is much more clear about the dynamic relationship God has with those he calls "sons". I was raised as a 4th generation Jehovah's Witness. I prayed for many, many things and experienced a tremendous amount of sheer wasted time because the primary object of my faith was the Watchtower and not God. Upon realizing this, it of course was quite a shock to me because I was pretty satisfied with my religious efforts to please God. After experiencing a life as a born again Christian for the past 10 year, I can compare the two. My opinion is that most any attempts to rely on God while venerating anyone or anything in his place is nearly a complete waste of time.
My advice is to make friends with God first, before seeking these other things. Then, make sure you understand what God has actually said as opposed to what someone has repeated what God has said, before embarking on a course of pursuit.
For instance, your characterization of Abraham in your quote above makes it look like Abraham & Sarah were simply avoiding laziness and were just trying to work in harmony with God and wasn't being unfaithful at all. However, when you look at exactly what God said, the willful disobedience becomes clear.
And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.
God made it clear that Sarah would bear a son to Abraham. And through him would come kings and nations. And, that is just precisely what happened, in spite of their lapse in faith and efforts to make things happen by other means.