“I’ve never seen any properties kept in better shape,” Tim says. “Anyone who buys them will be happy that they did and they won’t need to spend a dime on upgrades to infrastructure.” Tim, who tells us he attended a breakfast at the White House about a decade ago, goes as far as to say the buildings are better maintained than the presidential residence.
Article: Witnesses Portfolio ‘Better Maintained Than The White House.’
by AndersonsInfo 12 Replies latest jw friends
There will be at least a dozen references to this quote in upcoming editions of the Watchtower.
And at least 144,000 re-posts on JW Facebook pages.
Doubtfully Yours
JW pride!!!
Sure take care of their property the best!!!
Yet Jesus, didn't have a pillow to rest his head upon. Remember Him?
All of this extravagance, on the rank-n-file members dime, which never seems to be enough!
What was that verse in the bible about, "keeping your eye simple", and "being no part of this world"? Hmmmmm.
Barbara, you might be able to confirm/refute a rumor I heard years ago. Basically, that the WTS expected all of their real estate to transition into the new system after Armageddon. I always assumed this might be JW leader's mental excuse for why they focused on real estate investment so much. It was as if the rebuilding work had already begun, in their minds anyway.
The destruction of Kingdom Halls during the great tribulation and Armageddon has never been mentioned inside WT literature, has it?
Tim, who tells us he attended a breakfast at the White House about a decade ago, goes as far as to say the buildings are better maintained than the presidential residence.
That`s because the USA Freed their Slaves in 1865..
Watchtower has plenty of Free Labour.....And..
Watchtower Has No Intention Of Freeing Any Of Their JW Slaves..
Hi Barbara - thanks for sharing. The poor witnesses. No time for their own homes/lives but take so much pride in being slaves and throwing away their money.
The WT makes slaves out of ALL colors, races, etc. They are not prejudiced!!
Those volunteers sure have been slaving hard for Jehovah, haven't they?!
First they slave and build for free, then they slave to maintain and keep buildings in their ultimate condition. It can all be afforded of course from the vast sums of money that the other slaves donate.
Why do these people willingly subject themselves to this form of slavery?
Blessings from Jehovah!