Hello careful,
The quotes - given to me by JC MacHislopp - -should have been
presented from the beginning, to prove the “incorrect/wrong”
explanation given by The Watchtower writer (w 87
2/15 )with the Society's Governing Body approval.
w87 2/15 p. 11 par. 7
Two Greatest Expressions of Love Ever Made ***
7 Eighteen
years later Jehovah was watching when Jesus came to John the Baptizer
to be immersed.
….On one
occasion Jesus took some apostles up on a lofty mountain. There
Jehovah caused Christ to shine with a supernatural splendor, and the
Father said: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved;
listen to him.” (Matthew 17:5) Jehovah had his voice heard a third
time in answer to Jesus’ petition for God to glorify his own name.
Jehovah said: “I both glorified it and will glorify it again.”
Apparently this
was said primarily for Jesus’
benefit, for some with him thought an angel
had spoken, whereas others thought it had thundered.—John
12:28, 29.
Bible Citations ***
12:27-30) Now I am troubled, and what should
I say? Father, save me out of this hour. Nevertheless, this is why I
have come to this hour. 28 Father,
glorify your name.” Then a voice came out of heaven: “I have
glorified it and will glorify it again.” 29 The
crowd that was standing there heard it and began to say that it had
thundered. Others said: “An angel has spoken to him.”
30 Jesus
“This voice has occurred, not
for my sake,
but for your sakes.
Remark:: Notice the
absence of verse 30 which reports Jesus 'words.
years later, similar application:
*** w14 8/15 p. 25
par. 15
Jehovah’s Voice Wherever You Are ***
15 Jehovah wants
the best for us. (Ps. 1:1-3) ….
Jehovah, and he prayed
incessantly. Jehovah supported and directed Jesus in marvelous ways.
He sent angels to minister to him, provided His holy spirit to help
him, and guided him in selecting the 12 apostles. Jehovah’s
voice was heard from the heavens, expressing
His support and approval of Jesus. (Matt. 3:17; 17:5;
Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 6:12, 13; John 12:28)
Remark:: : Again absence
of verse 30 which reports Jesus 'words.
Everything is fine, please accept our greetings,
TW and JC MacHislopp