One’s mindset and its
conditioning pursue what one believes to be the “truth” which it says ‘I can perceive
with my senses. This makes possible for the Life
to be perceived in many different ways. Imagine all were born blind. Certainly,
we could have built a normal society made for blind people. Other senses rather
than vision could have taken precedence.
Speaking about light, colors… etc. in that world of blindness would only be
labeled as “crazy.”
Interestingly, even if all had vision, that still doesn’t guarantee true vision of the reality. For example, identically sized lines can appear to be different lengths when placed between converging parallel lines. (for more examples If mind can be tricked by what physical eyes see, how much more it would be tricked when it ventures into the realm of the invisible such as what is before and after this life … what was before Big Bang … God and His purpose etc. Hence we have conflicted religions and scriptures with God doing nothing to correct it as though He wants everyone to make his thrilling search.
Greater ability to perceive means
an expanded vision of reality, yet that
perception is far from what could be labeled as “real.” When we
place our energy in understanding our own perceptions, rather than in using the
convenient labels of “right, wrong, true, false, bad and good,” then any sort
of judgment is out. Certainly we may need to act as our society dictates.
If someone harms another, there are laws. There are consequences, but judgment
is a human invention which humans wrongly applied to God, hence we have the
scriptures that speak of a Last Judgment which in turn gave rise to preachers.
itself shows Jesus is the invention of some imaginative minds. For
example, Jesus did not say what is reportedly said in John 3:13 where it says
he ascended into heaven at the very start of his ministry [which brings the
question: then who did all the works attributed to Jesus?]; and it follows, if
John 3:13 is based on imagination then following verses such as John 3:16 on
which the main purpose of Jesus' coming on to earth is also imaginary!]
Compassion arrives when we understand that there is only one relationship (fraternity) and there are many ways to perceive/experience Life. That openness will free us with further understanding which will reflect in a peaceful disposition. A religion that does not recognize this fact has only a tunnel vision.