No more official visits to disfellowshipped & disassociated ones

by AverageJoe1 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheWonderofYou

    If they would have something to offer that is really joyful , upbuilding , heartwarming for a Disassociated person they would not stop to visit at all but run after us any day.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    '...the Governing Body has determined that there is no longer a need for blah, blah, blah'!

    How many times over the years has that statement been used for JW failed arrangements?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Be on the lookout for the following:

    'The Governing Body has determined that there is no longer a need for the 1914 doctrine.'

    'The Governing Body has determined that there is no longer a need for the disfellowshipping and shunning doctrine.'

    'The Governing Body has determined that there is no longer a need for the no-blood doctrine.'

    'The Governing Body has determined that there is no longer a need for the overlapping generation doctrine.'

    Ha...what A holes!

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    The govbod has determined that if an active apostate makes contact with an elder, call 911!

  • slimboyfat
    many disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals have returned to Jehovah after having seen Jehovah’s Witnesses carrying out their ministry in public places.

    I said it before. I am convinced this is the main effect of the JW carts - to reactivate former JWs. I've heard of it happening locally. And it makes sense that seeing JWs publicly has induced guilt/nostalgia in some former JWs. They sure as hell aren't attracting ordinary members of the public with the carts, but former JWs it might have some effect. However it's an effect that's probably subject to diminishing returns as the carts become familiar.

  • ab.ortega

    Not that Elders ever followed that least none that I'm aware of.

  • 88JM
    this is the main effect of the JW carts

    It may be the intended effect, but it's a really pathetic replacement for elder visits if they really were sincere on getting people back.

  • Gayle

    Obviously, the reinstated DFd just clearly aren't worth it to the org anymore. If they come back, they just come back to be with their family members again probably and don't contribute energy, additional time, nor money either to the cong/org. A near dead weight to the org and elders. Elders are tired, getting old and don't or can't really help people in reality.

  • AllTimeJeff

    My take is that this solves the following elder problems:

    There aren't as many elders anymore, so why stress them out? As others noted, this was never done with any regularity even when I was an elder. With so much to do and fewer numbers than ever doing it, why not keep elders fresh for parroting what is in the latest WT from the platform?

    With the information age in full bloom, elders are going to run into more "apostates" than ever. Some could absolutely have their faith shaken belief system shattered by facts. Why not pick the low hanging fruit of a lonely desperate soul who comes to the KH asking how they can return? The GB knows that there are some smart former JW's who could mess up what's left of their internal control structure. No need to expose them to the possibility of real information.

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