You end up like JCanon if you keep that up.. and well... you see where it leads don't you? Bzzzz bzzz bzzz .... right back in the little white truck.... off to the funny farm. . . electo shock therapy.... you end up in a room next to a guy who thinks he is the Tooth Fairy.
You know, I don't mind you making fun of me, because that is ALL you can't do. You certainly can't tell me about the Bible's second coming details. But that won't change. Since I'm not telling you everything though, things that might convince you who I am right now, I don't blame you for being skeptical. But the bottom line is...since I REALLY am he...there's NOTHING you can do to disprove it. You can reject it, but you can't disprove it. It's fair game if I'm not proving to you that I am either. But then, again, there's the BIBLE. That's the problem I'm looking at you about...
Here the prodigal son comes back from a life of sin and the father gives him a banquet. Elsewhere this is a Messianic reference where the Father has a wedding feast for the Messiah.
Or Lazarus goes from being dejected to being in the BOSOM POSITION OF THE FATHER. Now what does that mean? Well if you look up John 1:18 you'll see that's a reference to Jesus. Jesus is the "only-begotten god in the bosom position of the Father."
So I'm we supposed to make a connection here. Is the Bible trying to tell us this is really Jesus?
And even if you don't think so....there is no way you can absolutely be SURE. But IF it is...and this is really Lazarus who is supposed to be the Christ...then fine if I'm not him. But ought we all not supposed to be looking for him somewhere?
You already know what not to look for. He's not this goody-goody-two-shoes monk someplace on a diet...he's a former sinner! So that's who you have to look for.
Isaiah 53 deals specifically with the physical aspects of the Messiah and here the "Etiopian eunuch" is reading this passage. Do we make the connection or just say....hmmmm, what an unconnected coincidence?
But IF you make the connection and relate that this is a subtle reference to what to look for in the physical Jesus, you'll have to be looking for a black man who is gay.
So you see. You either close your eyes completely. Pretend this is not really in the Bible and it's not true, it's not true..... Or you face the reality of the fact that the end of the world is finally here, and you can't really believe what the Bible says after all when it comes right down to it. So what right would you have to get into the kingdom?
What is going to happen per the Bible is that something is going to happen so that all the nonbelievers will suddenly believe. It may be some miracle or something. It's whatever THEY need to beleive. And they will line up and say: "OKay, NOW I believe. Now that I see you can perform signs..." And then I'll reject them, because they rejected God's word. It will be too late.
So I'm here just taking notes.
"My sheep will hear my voice...."
Know this.