"Armageddon is already here"; "the preaching work is done" -- rogue teachings in your congregation?

by FatFreek 2005 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Thanks, Diogenesister for posting that Kim and Mikey video. That appears to be exactly how Jehovah's Witnesses get their radical and rogue information. We common folks call this technique The Grapevine. You cannot source it, you cannot source when it was spoken, you cannot source who said it.

    The GB, the Faithful Slave -- as referenced in this video, assign one of their assistants -- inside men at headquarters to spread some insider information in an oral speech -- information too sensitive to be announced at their annual meeting and too sensitive to be printed in their flagship periodical, The Watchtower. Information that those in the local audience gobble up since he says he is putting his planned notes aside to share some stuff that his bosses, the Faithful Slave, want him to share.

    And yes, the implication within this video is that the preaching work is done.

    Don't try to find that statement or anything even close to that in Watchtower. You won't. Whatever he is spouting is totally deniable two, three, or twenty years down the road. The memories of that gullible audience is fragile. The GB is simply buying more time from those sheeples who are stuffing the contribution boxes, knowing that they won't have to defend those rogue statements any more than bankrupt governments can satisfy promissory notes when payment is demanded.

    I now know where my JW son got his information -- the Watchtower Grapevine!

    And thanks, Kim and Mikey.

  • LongHairGal


    I always suspected that that's what went on in the JW religion: rumors from so-called reliable sources that get spread around and become a new teaching.

    But, they have plausible deniability because nothing was ever put in print. So, they can say "we never said that" like what happened after the 1975 fiasco.

  • smiddy3

    I remember that steve2 ,the talk that was going around when the first of these kingdom News Tracts was that their would only be seven given out with each successive one hitting harder and harder bringing on the GT and the big Awhere I was.

    And the story about the Jews marching around Jericho seven times bringing the walls down pre-figured it .

    That was the rumour going around then

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    smiddy3 and steve2,

    After all, the series of International Assemblies that were held during that year (1973) weren't entitled "Divine Victory" for nothing, were they ? (Well, actually, as it turned out, they were!)

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Listening to that rogue audio reminds me of a 1968 talk given by Charles Sinutko. Sinutko (CO, DO, or Branch rep?) gave a talk entitled "Serving with Everlasting Life in View", also known as "Stay Alive Until 75".

    Here is the link to that audio. If you listen to the first 9 minutes (of 23:35 minutes) you will understand how strongly Watchtower and its podium representatives implied that 1975 was likely (though not definitely) going to conclude this system of things. Listen to his audio crescendo as he made his dire proclamations.

  • Diogenesister

    Personally I think it's Vincent Price....but it's at 1:05:00 right at the end, the quote about the preaching being done!


  • Diogenesister

    Here's the Bethel speaker I meant to post......


  • redvip2000
    Personally I think it's Vincent Price....but it's at 1:05:00 right at the end, the quote about the preaching being done!

    At 1:05:00 ?? I've heard it 3 times now after 1:04:40 until the end, he doesn't say that. Where is exactly does he say that preaching is done?

  • Rocky_Girl
    Wild statements like our topic title, which I know are not supported at JW dot ORG, have been made to my non-JW son several times over the past year or so.

    If the organization was backing it up, they couldn't shame the "brothers" for "getting ahead of Jehovah" after another 50 years go by and there is no Armageddon. This way they get the action they want out of the rank and file without taking any flack for riling them up.

    Edit: I see I'm not the first to imply this. LOL

  • Diogenesister
    00 ?? I've heard it 3 times now after 1:04:40 until the end, he doesn't say that. Where is exactly does he say that preaching is done?

    Try listening from 60.00 mins.

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