Southeastern Apostofest Anyone?

by Bendrr 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    It's high time those of us in the Southeast had us a little git-together. I know there's some board members in Atlanta, at least one in Macon (me) and maybe more, and some in Florida.

    Why don't we put our heads together and plan an Apostafest for our area? Maybe one this fall? I'd love to be able to finally meet Frank and Joel. And there is a certain special someone in Florida who I so much want to finally meet in person.

    So come on y'all, let's make this happen!


  • Francois

    I'm fer it, Mike, and I owe you a phone call. I think your number is in my PMs and I'll give you a ring. We can talk about it then. Atlanta is likely most central, but some people may not give a hang about that and would like to get to the beach instead.

    Of course, it's hotter than the hinges of hell at the beach, but who would let a little thing like that get in their way? (Well, um, I would for instance. I really get off on air conditioning.)

    We really need to know how many would come. Dede and Wild Turkey could be said to live in the south, being in LA and they went to the one in Michigan, after all. I suspect people would come from all over but still we'd be better off having some agreed upon place, like Joelbear's living room

    Let's chew the fat over this one.


  • SheilaM

    Bendrr: That sounds great Thunder and I will be in Florida the first of November like the 5th thru the 12th I would love to see many of you....

  • Jourles

    I will be in Atlanta Sept. 21-26. I could always extend my stay for a day or so.

  • Robdar

    Hey, I'd love to come. I am from the southeast so I could also visit my family while there. Let me know the details.


  • jst2laws


    All are invited to our place on NOV 1 if Panama City Beach Florida is close enough for you. Pm me for details. If we have enough coming we will try to get special rates at a local motel on the beach. (I used to do pre-convention Hotel/motel work for the WT)


  • StinkyPantz


    I'm in Orlando!! Am I invited? I promise I'm lots of fun.


    Good idea though. You know I am there!!

  • jst2laws


    Sure your invited. Looking forwarded to meeting you. We will be giving out more details later but PM me and I will tell you what we know so far. Don't forget though, Orlando is still about a 6 hr drive to Panama City Beach. It will be worth it.


  • teejay

    Would there be room for just one troublemaker?

  • jst2laws


    Trouble maker? NO!

    The No is you are not a trouble maker. As to joining us YES.


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