Xanthippe What's this thing with really long dresses? Sometimes I see them on FS and I can't believe how long their dresses are now, almost down to the ground.
So I was reading some of Xanthippe and Phizzy's posts on the strangeness of JW dress and how much they stand out and I got to thinking. So... at one point the Amish dress code was current, right? I guess it's taken around 200 years of sartorial stagnation to get the disparity between modern dress and Amish dress and Chassidic dress. So I was wondering how long it will take of GB meddling and control in personal grooming before that disparity shows between JWs and the clothing of your average western person. I suppose it depends how rapidly contemporary fashions evolve from the mid-late twentieth century wear the GB seem stuck on, or rather believe are essential in order to be a good Christian. It's possible as people leave and numbers nosedive they may lighten up. Personally I think once a cult always a cult. Either some scandal will finish wtbts completely, or they will tighten the reigns further and become focused on one or more small geographical area as most other 'successful' cults such as Mormon HQ/cults, Chassidic cults and the Amish themselves. In which case the baggy pants, no beards and little House on the Prarie dresses are here to stay!*
*Didn't know what section to put this in...I think we should have a "speculating" section - otherwise known as drivel!