Should illegal immigrants be sent “Only” to Sanctuary Cities?

by I believe in overlapping 18 Replies latest social current

  • I believe in overlapping
    I believe in overlapping

    Pro-illegal immigration advocates are fighting President Trump’s efforts to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States.

    Trump wants immigrants to enter the USA LEGALLY and in a controlled manner so as not to tax the local economies of their resources that will burden the local law abiding citizens.

    “Pro Illegal immigrant’s advocates insist that ILLEGAL immigrants are overwhelmingly good people fleeing bad circumstances in poverty-stricken, gang-ridden or war-torn countries. They insist that Illegal immigrants commit less crime per person than do U.S. citizens. They annoyingly persist in unsubstantiated claims that Illegal immigrants pay taxes and are a net benefit to the economy. According to pro-advocates, Illegal immigrants are needed for the U.S. workforce, and to do jobs that Americans are unwilling to do. Pro-advocates continue to insist that Illegal immigration is not the cause of our drug problems and we should not worry about human trafficking.”

    Anti-illegal immigration advocates say:

    “Illegal immigrants are a net drain on the economy and cost money. U.S. labor needs can be fulfilled by legal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are exploited and paid substandard wages, often under the table, hurting the market for American workers. They bring illnesses and contagious diseases. Illegal immigration makes our drug problems worse and creates a market for human trafficking.”

    Here’s a thought;

    “This problem is actually very simple to solve and it doesn’t require litigating in court whose view is correct. It merely accepts the stated view of each side.”

    President Trump is telling illegal immigration supporters; I hear you and am giving you the chance to practice your advocacy. You will receive all the benefits you foresee from illegal immigrants.

    At the same time, Trump is telling illegal immigration opponents; I hear you and will not force you to bear what you see as costs to your communities.

    There are consequences to whichever side is wrong, and that’s not a bad thing, either. Those communities that shun illegal immigrants will not receive the benefits, if it turns out they exist.

    On the other hand, those who welcome illegal immigrants will have to bear the costs or other negative consequences, if it turns out that they were wrong in their assessment.

    "So with this in mind, sanctuary cities and states should want to do all they can to keep illegal immigrants from being sent to less welcoming places -- and welcome them to their home area. The best places for the immigrants’ welfare would seem to be where local policies and laws favor them. For example, where they can receive driver’s licenses, social welfare benefits, in-state or free college tuition and free medical health services, and free housing at the cost of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION---PRO-ADVOCATES who are resisting the President’s efforts to bring in immigrants into the United States –LEGALLY.


    Within a year, there’s a pretty good chance we would be able to see which side of the issue is closer to being correct. Pro-Illegal immigration or Anti-Illegal immigration.

    My OP Question;

    Should illegal immigrants be sent to Sanctuary Cities only.

    What do you think?

  • Incognigo Montoya
    Incognigo Montoya


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  • I believe in overlapping
  • Tameria2001

    I say if they wanted them before, send all of them to those locations. They won't be getting any tax revenue off of those folks, and they will be using all their resources. My only question would be how long will they hold out before crying "Uncle".

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  • silentbuddha

    As it is these sanctuary cities serve as stopping points for many of these people.

    They end up leaving to join family in rural areas and completely destroy the culture, the schools, and housing. Put them in San Francisco and tell them if they travel outside the cities boundaries before their case is heard they will be instantly sent packing

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  • I believe in overlapping
    I believe in overlapping

    Put them in San Francisco and tell them if they travel outside the cities boundaries before their case is heard they will be instantly sent packing

    I like that Idea!

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  • I believe in overlapping
    I believe in overlapping

    I say if they wanted them before, send all of them to those locations. They won't be getting any tax revenue off of those folks, and they will be using all their resources. My only question would be how long will they hold out before crying "Uncle".

    I would say, not more than 6 months top- for them to cry uncle.They just need a little taste of their own medicine.

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  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    More drugs are needed here. Thankyou. Still Totally ADD

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  • kairos

    Trump card played...

    < again >

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  • waton

    yes. establish sanctuary cities in Nigeria, and other countries they come from.


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