... The Teacher Appears

by TerryWalstrom 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheWonderofYou
  • TheWonderofYou

    Buddhism had influence on architects and Samurai

    So the architects made the old temples and houses with wood, and then they planned a garden inside the complex. This garden was for contemplation and recreation. The other gardens with fruits, vegetables were located elsewhere and not all old houses had gardens only for contemplation. The structure of the traditional japanes house with the garden as extention of the living room was only possible and made only sense because of the mattresses, on which they sat and because of the climate. Everything was planned around the seatings. Wisdom, experience, logic, creativity.

    (Source: http://www.ksmarchitecture.com/projects/japanese-house/ )

    The Samurai blacksmiths made there swords not of wood but other natural material and developped impressing art of smithing. In rare cases they were merciful with the enemy.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WkWNDDrQO4made of


    Here another teacher appears

  • TerryWalstrom

    Sigh . . .

  • TheWonderofYou

    Certainly my last comment was not ingenious or funny. It was just a windy shot on the my way of finding a connection between art, drawing, painting, architecture, creativity and spirituality. The youtube video with the rap is certainly very facile too, but it points to the question: What is the connection between all this spirituality, peopla are looking for answers


    Referring to

    Jehovah’s Witness life is a busy life of treadmill activity and hamster cage futility. An intelligent person becomes enmeshed in an ongoing learning spiral with endless publications by the Watchtower Organization pumping out proliferating pages of propaganda. Little by little, the interior life’s flame is snuffed out, opinions vanish,

    ...they are captivating the caterpillar and downt allow to transform

    ...after leaving Jehovahs witnesses I had to find my own personality that is hidden, taking off the masks-personas, finding out what does your spirituality indicate you to or drive you to. (according to the models of Jung that human Itself is driven to look for an aim). Recreation of JW, finding again an aim in life is possible, who I am, what am I.



    At the moment it is okay for me to understand "spirituality" or "spirit" as:

    active, vivid appetite (drive) that belongs to my ego and has the aim to work for my integral personality. Perhaps I can lately work out to find or see the true image, my soul. But I can adopt this idea if necesssary.

    I think that all creativity, charisma, talent and art is somehow a tool and a hint on this way finding the perfection of the soul.

    Therefor teachers dont teach simply manual skills but spiritual skills as well.

    For what reason we need a teacher at all? Perhaps it turns around the human (spiritual) development, advice in spiritual work, enlightenment, perfection in working out the own personality. This is a subject to further discussion.


    Are the beautiful lyric verses about art in your story all from Paul Miyoshi or from you?

  • TerryWalstrom

    Are the beautiful lyric verses about art in your story all from Paul Miyoshi or from you?


    At one time in my life (before my 1st wife died) I had an eidetic memory. Then, I went on a year-long drinking binge.

    The mechanism of memory isn't as reliable and has real gaps now.

    I reach into that brain file and the words I've written are what comes out. I wouldn't swear in a court of law as to the exactitude of them--but the general intention is probably good.

    History itself, if not in documentary form, is a fragile simulacrum of somebody's memory. Kinda scary.

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