Remember tho' that the theme of the assembly was "Who is Giving God Glory Today?" And when they say "God" they continue to refer to a Bronze Age tribal god who got off on Bronze Age tribal God things, like human sacrifice, and foreskins by the bushel, and blood by the carboy, and stoning miscreants - even when they were your own children, and five entire books of the bible full of mayhem and murder. It wasn't good enough for this Bronze Age killer to direct his people to take the land of Canaan from its owners, its owners had to be put to death right down to the last little infant being held by the last wizened old grandmother. Some God.
And then these JEHOVAH'S Witnesses attempt to comport this barely sub-human god with the loving father envisioned by The Master. And we are told they are one and the same. How could anyone give "glory" to the ancient God with a heart as cold as the Bronze of the age of his representation? How could anyone join themselves to an organization who demanded that glory be paid to this monster through them?
It's all too much for me, as it is for so many of you. And as it is with so many organizations that have come into being for the projection and protection of some out of date idea, the leadership runs off their best and their brightest. And so it happens with Jehovah's Witnesses. And what's left? People who go door to door and couldn't make a clear defense of the time of day, much less the nature of God.
The JWs do not know exactly whom it is they worship. They deserve each other.