I wish I'd known that God wasn't an old man with a long white beard wearing a dressing gown sat on a cloud watching what I did with my genitalia.
What I wish I had known at 18
by NewYork44M 13 Replies latest jw friends
Wish I'd have experienced sex with several girls before getting married so I could 'scripturally' have sex. The first 5 years of marriage were somewhat of of a disappointment because of what we, me and my wife of 50+ year, gave up to have just a few moments of pleasure! Fornication among jw's back in the 60's was considered almost the unforgivable sin!
just saying!
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Stealing the lives of youths by the Watchtower is a despicable act. Children need to be provided the guideposts for life's journey. Everything from the Watchtower relates to stifling their journey for their own evil purposes. I was caught up in that cycle, and it took me half my life to realize the evilness of the Watchtower.