We all know how the society likes to say that they alone "dispense spiritual food from Jehovah" through the F&DS / GB. The claim was that from Russell's day, the society alone is Gods channel...
So that got me thinking...
If they dispense spiritual food, yes spiritual nourishment to all witnesses, that clearly implies that all the past wrong teachings, and incorrect doctrines and practices must NOT have been "nourishing spiritual food" right?
In effect, they were just like parents that order a fast food drive through "meal" to keep the kids happy and fill the hole in their tummy.
Yes, rather than providing a well prepared and healthy nourishing meal, a quick-fix junk food fill was sufficient.
But now since 2013 of course the GB claim they have it right... but from what we see, they are simply ramping up the dispensing of junk food!?!