So the guy in my office on the desk next to me has just got back from the funeral of his wifes sister. This was his first time in a KH and full on exposure to JWdom.
Bit of background: the deceased JW was not a born in, she was a convert when she was in her teens. She died last week at the age of 82. The poor old dear was still zealously knocking on doors while in ill health. I wont disrespect the poor woman, she was a victim of a vile cult that taken so many precious years from her, not to mention her time and energy when she should have been taking it easy in her old age.
Anyway, so my colleague tells me, her will stated that she be buried rather than cremated due to "the resurrection". This is new to me, I was born in and never heard of this being a JW teaching.
My colleague went to the KH and said:
"I was surprised. It was more like a conference hall, i was expecting them to put a powerpoint presentation on the wall or something. They talked about her for about 5 minutes but even then it was about her being a JW. They didnt mention anything about her. The rest of it was talking about resurrection and loyalty. Which didn't seem to make sense. Loyalty?"
Then he said the speaker said something shocking then quickly moved on. I asked what it was, he said "that her soul is dead now?". I explained about the JWs not believing in an immortal soul. Apparently this shocked/upset some of her never-JW relatives who's only comfort was that she was in a better place. Anyway, the elder quickly moved on.
Back to the womans house for tea and buffet. He said he couldn't discern who the JWs were because he hadn't met most of her family before. Their introductions were very formal but they seemed nice enough. "However..." he laughed "...they did like to give me literature. I just took it to be polite".
Then he takes from his pocket 5 JW.borg business cards, 2 leaflets about life after death and the latest Watchtower magazine.
Really? At a funeral? Who brings literature to a funeral?