I knew I had a couple of firearms around the house, and one in the car. However, I didn't realize I had seven, yes, seven of them, when I proceeded to count them. The reason for that is that I haven't gone to the shooting range in years. Until recently, that is. I picked up the urge to shoot again.
Today, I sold four of those firearms to a local dealer: one Taurus 22 magnum revolver; one 32 short top breaker revolver; one 32 magnum revolver, and one HR 38 Special revolver. I decided to keep my Smith-Wesson 38 Special M-10 revolver, and a Taurus 357 revolver. Also, I recently bought a Glock G43 for carry on. I'm also thinking about getting a Glock G19.
So I wonder how many of you have firearms in your possession. If so, which? Do you like shooting practice? Any preferences?