2020 Service Year Report of Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide

by Joker5 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    The partakers at the Memorial were supposed to be getting fewer and fewer as time went on and when I left about 27 years ago there was only about 8,000 partakers worldwide.

    I remember those days smiddy3. In fact the highlight of every Service Year Report back then was how many fewer partakers there were compared to the year before. As the numbers dwindled...that was an indicator of how much closer we were to the end of this system of things. Everyone looked forward to that lessor number.

    Then the number of partakers had a comeback...steadily increasing to what it is now...21,182.

    Therein lay the embarrassment & predicament for WT. Too many senior JW rank & file who fall in the fifty years old to say 80 years old and older are well aware of this 180° turn of events regarding the increase in partakers in recent years. For many it's like having a face to face encounter with someone who has the largest and ugliest wart on the tip of their nose. How do you not notice it? How do you keep yourself from asking that person the obvious questions about the wart...does it hurt...is it itchy...how long have you had it? It's the same with the increase in partakers...you just don't ask...but still it must make millions wonder...WTF!

  • hoser

    Maybe the org is fudging the number of memorial partakers upwards. If all of the anointed were dead by now and no Armageddon they would have a serious problem on their hands. Increasing memorial partakers buys them the time that they need to formulate some new bullshit to keep the publishers making them money.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Hoser,

    "If all of the anointed were dead by now and

    no Armageddon they would have a serious

    problem on their hands. "

    I must say you have a good point...!!

    Something new..


    JC MacHislopp

  • GregW

    As it can be seen false prophet charlatanism is still contagious and acts like a virus.

  • EverApostate
    Number of Lands Reporting: 240

    why do they mentions countries as Lands ? They want to hide the fact that several Countries have banned the JWS. Twisting and confusing information is the methodology of cults.

    And the creator of this Universe, is banned in several Countries. Ridiculous.!!

  • alanv

    They say lands instead of countries, because that shows a bigger figure. Loads of small islands are part of the report, that often belong to one country, So its simply written that way so the org can brag to the dubs that they are preaching all over the world. In realty over a third of the world has never, ever met a JW.

  • Overrated

    Watchtower math is always exaggerated from reality. They say they have 8 million plus members but dollars to donuts that real number could be 5 or 3 and dropping fast.

  • Jeffro


    They say lands instead of countries, because that shows a bigger figure. Loads of small islands are part of the report, that often belong to one country, So its simply written that way so the org can brag to the dubs that they are preaching all over the world. In realty over a third of the world has never, ever met a JW.

    Despite their claim about 240 'lands', back in reality they actually report activity in 159 countries, and '30 other lands'.


    Watchtower math is always exaggerated from reality. They say they have 8 million plus members but dollars to donuts that real number could be 5 or 3 and dropping fast.

    The number of 'members' depends on the definition used (setting aside the recent debacle about 'membership' of a local congregation corporation). If counting children of JWs and anyone else who self-identifies as a JW, including 'POMI' individuals, the number may be significantly more than what is reported by Watch Tower (and this probably reflects what would be reported by secular surveys). However, if counting only 'dyed-in-the-wool' members who actively enjoy 'preaching' and would remain in the denomination if there were no risk of shunning, the 'membership' would be considerably less than what Watch Tower reports.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    The decrease of 0.6% this year shows that this religion heavily relies on its preaching work to fill in for those leaving. The preaching work being much less effective, the baptism number falls short of 61,872 over last year. Comparing this to the overall 46,823 decrease in publishers, we can see that preaching billions of hours is vital to this organization.

    We can also make the following observations:

    1) Many countries have steadily lost members over the last years and are likely to keep decreasing.

    2) Countries that used to show increase are getting progressively exposed to the internet and these are now showing reduction in members.

  • Overrated

    Jeffro- Exactly! Got to laugh at Watchtower!

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