I left the organization. My awakening was this month of July, the first week of July. I couldn't answer my own questions about the organization or the doctrines, I couldn't understand the prophecies, I couldn't figure quite well what I was feeling.
I'm going to write a disassociating letter. Straight to the point. This organization is not the truth. God is not directing it. And there's no of the world. Men is suits, frail old men calling themselves the GB...they didn't die for me. I'm aware of the consequences. My sisters would limit their contact, but I believe that they'll see the organization for whatbit is. I doubt two loving parents woukd allow their daughters to remain in a Pedophile paradise org.
Thank you everyone for your support and advice. I'm so glad and relieved I'm not the only one alone. I can begin to live a life. To love the people around me and truly see a wonderful future ahead of us.