I regularly play tennis. A couple of weeks ago the powers that be took the nets down . So we stopped playing until we found a town a half hour away that has nets, tennis players, runners, joggers and other sportsmen enjoying the outdoors without any masks or gloves. I go to smaller supermarkets to get all the food I need. Some people are extremists. Close all businesses down til the plague goes over us. It’s time to enjoy spring and summer and some sort of normalcy. We don’t have to go to the other extreme , just be reasonable and fair!
Do You Think It’s Time For Businesses To Reopen Even Though Coronavirus Is Not Obliterated?
by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends
Sea Breeze
If not in a high risk group, I consider it a civic duty to get back to work. Wear masks, practice social distancing, wash hands & use sanitizers frequently.... whatever it takes.
I've decided that I'm going to be part of the solution, not the problem. I hope others do the same.LHG: Unfortunately, some people over sixty still have to go out and work!.
Indeed.... and that is where future stimulus money should go. Just makes sense to focus the dollars on high risk groups instead of a "every man, woman and child" scenario that will destroy the economy.This 17 Million Dollar hospital in Houston never saw a single patient. Only 89 deaths in a city of over 6 million residents.
Time to go back to work. -
just fine
Yes please open some things up. In my entire county there have been 4 cases - 3 are recovered and we are still all locked up. I would love to go out to dinner assuming any of the restaurants survive this.
joey jojo
Hi Min,
Are you asking for just the U. S., or the world in general?
Here in Australia we went hard and early with social restrictions and are on the verge of eradication, although I hate using that term because it could turn around fast if things go wrong.
Restaurants were still allowed to serve take out but no club's, bars or big gatherings. We can still go for a walk and shop for groceries but still maintain distancing while doing these activities. A lot of people are working from home.
I know the economic figures are going to be bad, but the economy is still functioning to an extent, also, the government has offered various generous stimulus packages.
There seems to be early evidence that there may be no immunity to the virus and it would be be surprising if a vaccine is developed any time soon, if at all. I would think that unless the country you live in has the virus contained, it's a massive risk to get back to business as usual too early.
Another concern is, who will want to visit a country that has persistent covid19?
Wasanelder Once
One source says that there must be a 70% infection rate to achieve herd immunity. The isolation has kept it closer to 5%. Unless we achieve either 70% or have a vaccine there will be no closure any time soon. The question is, will you be willing to become part of the 65% infected and face possible death so others can by their Baby Yoda doll at Walmart?
If the economy remains closed more people will die from suicide and starvation than Coronavirus would ever kill.
I think most people have had or been affected by the virus. Probably many are asymptotic.
And I’m referring to how this virus is affecting people through out the world.
joey jojo
'If the economy remains closed more people will die from suicide and starvation than Coronavirus would ever kill.'
This seems to be the latest argument. My counter argument would be, how many people will kill themselves out of depression due to losing multiple friends to covid19?
Rub, your sincerity is sooooo believable. Quit while you are ahead.
Min .... and others here .....
I am putting all of my Orange Man, Lizard, Hillary, Bill, George W, Lysol, Clorox and related items into a box and putting it into the spare bedroom.
It behooves me to become a better person and poster here and I implore those here to assist me in my return to a better place and not participate in negative comments that may not be considered upbuilding to those around us. Some here have mentioned "dark humor" or other conduct unbecoming of a Christian. I will work diligently to improve in this area so as not to stumble any here.
Please understand that I will diligently work to use my time wisely and focus on the important things while in this system of things.
I will do my best moving forward. I feel happified by the opportunity to move forward and hopefully provide encouragement to my friends and associates here.
Rub a Dub
If the economy remains closed more people will die from suicide and starvation than Coronavirus would ever kill.
I think what what this statement is saying is that people who lose their jobs and are starting to lose their homes and possessions, could start a trend of suicides out of hopelessness, particularly in countries like Italy where that country was hit especially hard.