Do you know what Rahab looked like?

by ttdtt 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ctrwtf

    Hey Kids, let's draw a picture of a hooker!

    That picture reminds me of the old gag, would you like to have roses on your piano? Or tulips on your organ?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think Rahab is the one on the right with the cigarette.

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    Here's a fun fact: Rahab means "sit still". I guess she just sat still and let her clients do all the work.
  • MrsR-Awaken

    According to Google this is how she looked like lol

  • smiddy


    Don`t forget Delilah , she was a great female role model wasn`t she .?


  • JRK

    Another version:

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Funny, she has a Wilma Flintstone necklace, and Judy Jetson garments (cute little lapel things on her shoulders), and a Jetson/Flintstone/Alladin style haircut ... a huge mouth with giant teeth.... and no body below her neck and shoulders.


    And very good point, Alive!, about why the WT always uses Rahab as an example! Most interesting, as they always made such a big deal about her, and she was a prostitute and a liar! When I first started studying, I felt it was odd the way they used her and other characters in the bible .... but repetition and mind numbing meetings made it all right after all.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Don't forget to teach the kids how to draw Mohammed.

  • jhine

    I've noticed this when l sit in on my friend's study . The JW ladies go through the script and then say " look here's a picture of Moses with the Tablets " as if it is an actual picture of this . The pictures still unsettle me , something odd about them .


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