Hey Punky we had "friends" over at our place every weekend. Then I stopped going to the meetings and we no longer have visitors. My wife does her socializing at the meetings or in field service and I have friends at work or through my sporting activities. Except for yesterday when an old friend from decades ago gave the talk at the local K hall. My wife asked if we could have them over for lunch which I agreed to. They were very nice but all the reminiscing memories were linked to the cult or to the great work that is left to be done. I listened silently and smiled...these people live in a completely different dimension. There were no mention of doctrines, just talk about how busy they are growing their foreign language group. Although I was glad to see them, I found that I no longer have anything in common with them and I am no longer living in the past...
Nice weather this weekend. Made me think.....
by punkofnice 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
NVR2L8 - ..these people live in a completely different dimension.
I was in that dimension......it's a culture shock being out of it.
Never a JW but life can throw us some mighty tuff curve balls. I come from a family of three, mom was a high functioning alcoholic, sister a prescription drug addict and I married a man who was verbally abusive who suffered a stroke when I was pregnant with my second child.
I was always picking up the pieces after my mother, sister and husband while raising two children.
It is one day at a time, I still believe in God so I did a lot of praying. I hit rock bottom financially at one point when he had his stroke and with a toddler and new baby I was forced to triple my business in rapid speed. The best thing is to make a plan, think positive, kick the WT butt, and make the best of the rest of your life prove them wrong.
BTW, my mother and sister will tell anyone and everyone after all I have done for them and all the money I have given them that I am a liar and a thief. This has been said to my face to lawyers and bank managers, I just consider the source. I am bonded, insured and licensed to serve my clients so these same people know these statements are lies.
Iown Mylife
❤️Punk❤️ I'm glad you're here talking about the control that the lying WT cult has over people's lives, and writing books about it as well. Ordinary non-religious people cannot believe a lousy church would have so much power. And jovies who are in and have never experienced any trouble in the cong or with the elders, cannot begin to understand what this criminal org has perpetrated.
Representing these pedo protectors for one more second would be unthinkable. But the fallout and losses from doing the right thing are terrible. The org is like the Pleasure Island in the Pinocchio movie. Go in and have fun, while you're being changed into a donkey! Even if we escape, we still have donkey ears and tails, (residual damage).
First wanted to say, when I first started lurking / reading here you helped me see the pain this cult can inflict on people lives, this is no innocent benign cult. Your experience has helped so many new ones and those like me to see that the outcome of exiting a cult is by far an easy thing. I feel your pain, so sorry.
I'm not out of the woods yet, as I've learned on this forum the process is a delicate one, dealing with family who don't agree with your findings, family who prefer to side with a corporation instead of blood, a corporation who's lies have grown so vast they are spilling over and are incomprehensible. People who I called friends who ate me food slept in my house who I would of given my life for, are in essence strangers now, distant memory of a different life.
When I do find my self in the company of these old friends and all they talk about is the organization, The Truth, Tribulation being right at our doorstep. I realize just how fanatical and deep in a dream state I was in. I quickly come to my senses and know It will never be the same we are on two different paths our journeys diametrically opposed. I realized then as I do now, I must start living what's left of my life even if its not so great its my way, my path, my journey. They have taken so much that I will never get back, but I can't dwell on that anymore or else its like..... I'm giving them my last drop of blood. I believe the time and effort I spend to educate people about this organization about this cult is therapeutic and my way of fighting back for what they have taken from me. I'm not prepared to take the fight to there doorsteps not now, but my journey has really just begun.
Good luck to you Punk so sorry for your pain.
It's true that people really have no idea of the damage the watchtower corporation inflicts. It's cruel and heartless. It's an abattoir in there. I am lacking a goal. Lost I guess. -
Iown Mylife
Punk, your writer is showing - "It's an abattoir in there" would be a good title for a book❤️
Marina, that is classic. I love it :) -
It's true that people really have no idea of the damage the watchtower corporation inflicts. It's cruel and heartless. It's an abattoir in there. I am lacking a goal. Lost I guess
punk,"Not all who wander are lost" - J. R. R. Tolkien
I think you have another book brewing in you from all of this.
The JW thing is a niche market, I don't have the money to finance anything properly. I'm really not sure what kind of book I could do that is different?