Just seen reference to a recent letter read to congregations about this, anyone got more info please?
Kingdom Hall Master Plan. - letter - Consolidation.
by Lostandfound 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Consolidation. A good word for meaning we are now getting nowhere. lol
BoE Letter July 8, 2015 - Re: Fully Utilizing Kingdom Hall Auditoriums
The master plan may identify auditoriums that could be better utilized. In such cases, the branch office, with the assistance of the circuit overseer(s) and the bodies of elders, will consider the following questions: Could congregations merge in order to make better use of the auditorium capacity? Could a congregation relocate to an auditorium with sufficient parking and seating? If so, the branch office may decide that a new Kingdom Hall is not needed and direct that a merger take place. Such adjustments will result in conserving donated funds.
The Searcher
Edit out.
mea culpa!
sorry Lostandfound - you actually asked for "a recent letter read to congregations about this" - please note that the above letter was addressed to the elders ONLY and was therefore NOT read out in congregations.
Instead of a letter, I believe you are actually referencing a VIDEO that WAS played to all congregations in the US during their midweek meeting week starting 7 November 2016 which explains briefly about both relocating and merging congregations.
If you want you can 'fast-forward' to 2:30, but you'll miss some of the facts and figures....
As someone clever once said, "...wondrous contraction is now taking place..." :smirk:
Let me see:
more Kingdom halls = more growth (Jah's blessing)
less Kingdom halls = less growth (no blessing)
It should be simple for the JW to see this, no?
I read the same thing here somewhere on the forum that a letter was read to the congregation this week?
There is a good chance this is confusion on my part.
(a very good chance! )
Not aware of any such letter for this week, at least not in the US, at least not yet.
a letter was read to the congregation this week?
Could it be a localized letter for a specific area regarding changes being made?