More like "Broken news" ....
New Member Of The Governing Body 24 Jan 2018
by pale.emperor 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
compound complex
George Gangas, I believe, had been a short-order cook. Back then there were some dozen-plus members of the GB.
He did, after all, speak Greek, a real boon to the work. I remember him as being very warm and friendly.
days of future passed
Brother Cook - previously on the writing committee, is called to the Royal Commission.
Angus Stewart "Mr. Cook, it says here that you are responsible for all the bad advice given to the congregations regarding Child Sexual Abuse"
Bro Cook "Whattttt? Who told you that?"
A.S. "Why the other Seven G.O.D.'s have a sworn testimony to that effect. This makes you solely responsible for all the bad policies and you will have to pay the fine of 4 billion or be thrown in jail"
"But this preposterous! I only wrote what they told me to write!" says bro Cook.
Mr. Stewart "They also said that you recently turned apostate and can't be trusted to tell the truth"
And so Brother Cook became the first apostate Ex GB member to be thrown in jail.
Lets face it the WTS is big business as a operating religious publishing house, where the top directors (GB) get privileges way above anyone else in the organization.
Taking in consideration the GB men and wives get to travel around the world, have their medical and dental paid for, have cars and the cost of insurance paid for, food and lodgings that are better that the rest of the HQ workers.
Add in they get to be treated as celebrities wherever they travel about receiving better food and lodgings.
And when its considered that most these men have little to no retirement financial support on their own, it becomes quite obvious why they would strive to keep the WTS in continuing operation ?
They love the WTS err I'm mean Jehovah, because Jehovah provides so much to them. Praise Jah
So, pioneered starting in September 1982 & over to Bethel in 1984.
Given the preferred career path for young ambitious JWs, seems likely that he would have graduated from (US) high school in spring 1982, thus was born in 1963 or 1964.
Which would make him about the same age as Sanderson, maybe a year or 2 older.
Wonder in which "generational group" he belongs?
"Group 1" is gone with the death of Fred Franz.
Is he in "Group 2" (became "anointed" while Freddy was alive?)
Or is he in the "unnamed but nevertheless must exist" Group 3 (anointed after Franz's death, but still considered to be "legitimate" by the powers that be)?
Seems unlikely that a 20-something guy would start to partake in the late 80's / early 90's and still be taken seriously, so I'd guess he falls into "Group 3".
Maybe Ken Cook will fulfill the role of “Regulator” for the powers behind the WTBTS INC?
I’m sure the massive reforms will begin immediately...
His name sounds familiar to me. The Cook Family lived here in Georgia. I remember my Dad saying good things about the Cook Family.
My Name is of No Consequence
One more guy who doesn't have to worry about money or healthcare.
So he is about 60 years old?
the end is near