After talking to my brother on the phone about all the reasons why I left the JW's, he indicated that talking to me was shaking his faith. He said " I already have enough trouble with my faith as it is without you talking to me about all of that stuff".
I said, "Maybe there's a good reason you're having trouble with your faith. It seems to me that you have no trouble believing that the sun will rise tomorrow or that if you don't pay your electric bill your power will be shut of or that our parents are really our parents. You know unquestioningly that those things are true because of the clear evidence available yet decade after decade of studying and attending meetings and going from door to door, you still are having trouble convincing yourself that the JW religion is true. Nothing they've ever said since the 1800's has ever come about. Even Noah, if he existed, had the satisfaction of seeing the Flood happen. It sounds very noble for one to say that they " have faith " but sometimes people like to use the word FAITH to feel OK about simply not wanting to bother looking anymore".
He only texts me now on occasion rather than calling or visiting. He doesn't want to face what he knows to be true. I know that he knows the religion is B.S but his whole social and business world is built around all the JW's that he knows everywhere. If he wasn't a JW, he wouldn't have an income and wouldn't be able to travel the way he does and he'd have to face the scary reality that we are in fact growing older and will one day die.