Pat Robertson using the Bible to justify horrible actions

by RULES & REGULATIONS 12 Replies latest social family


    Here comes old and senile Pat Robertson speaking on his television program, The 700 Club. Robertson went on a rant (when asked by an audience member) on his thoughts about the death penalty.

    Robertson said:

    Are you kidding? Read the Bible. Read the Old Testament. I tell you, if a son is ungovernable and will not listen to his parents, the parents can bring the son before the authorities and the son will be executed. Jesus said, you know, I don’t condemn you, neither should anybody else condemn you.

    But I think the whole idea of forgiveness is absolutely there, but in terms of — the Apostle Paul said, ‘He that wields the sword wields it not in vain but he’s a minister of God to execute judgment on the unbeliever’ — on those who are disobedient. He’s a minister of God wielding judgment.

    And I do think the death penalty — you got Charles Manson! Why should the state have to pay hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to incarcerate a stone-cold killer? I mean, the death penalty is certainly biblical. Absolutely biblical!

    Here are more insane and oppressive Biblical laws that shed light on nutcases like Pat Robertson and followers who have no problem using the Bible ( word for word) as a bad source of advice:

    Anyone who dreams or prophesizes anything that is against God, or anyone who tries to turn you from God, is to be put to death. (Deuteronomy 13:5)

    If anyone, even your own family suggests worshipping another God, kill them. (Deuteronomy 13:6-10)

    If you find out a city worships a different god, destroy the city and kill all of its inhabitants... even the animals. (Deuteronomy 13:12-15)

    Kill anyone with a different religion. (Deuteronomy 17:2-7)

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Um . . . I don't know much about Pat Robertson, but what's wrong with the death penalty?

    but what's wrong with the death penalty?

    The death penalty is racially biased

    poor people who commit a crime cannot afford the best criminal attorney

    does not deter crime

    you don't really know who is really innocent, who is truly guilty....some are innocent

    crooked police/prosecutors/judges influenced by racial prejudice

  • JW_Researcher

    There is also an economic argument. Generally speaking, due to mandatory appeals, etc., it is less expensive to have a prisoner serve a life sentence.

    The death personalty is too expensive.

  • nowwhat?

    The death penalty is racially biased?!😂😂😂 now that I'm composed the death penalty is a moot point anyway. It takes like 15 -20 years before all the appeals run out.


    Death Penalty in the US Facts, Statistics and Pros and Cons

    “About 52% of death row inmates are Black or other minority, versus 17% in the general population”. (The death Penalty, Capital punishment) These statistics again confirms the misuse of death penalty. In a country like United States, most of the people punished for capital punishment belong to the minority community. This is not because of the excess crime committed by the minority community. In fact the majority public is committing more crimes compared to the minorities, but most of them escape from laws because of their influences upon the criminal judicial system and also the dual standards adopted by the government against the same crime committed by majority and minority public. Thus death sentence is a powerful weapon in the hands of the government to execute their hidden agendas. Even in front of the law, people are discriminated.

  • truth_b_known

    It is more expensive to care for a lifer in prison than an execution. Life in custody is hard. If you don't have high blood pressure and diabetes before going to prison, you will in time. Not to mention that half the inmate population in prison and jail are on psyche meds. The medical costs far exceeds appellate attorney costs.

    Money should never be an issue in moral decision making.

    It is true the police sometimes get it wrong. It is true that sometimes prosecutors successfully litigate innocent people. In Murder cases, especially death penalty Murder cases, the State pays for the absolute best Murder trial defense teams to represent the Defendant.

    Countries that patted themselves on the back for abolishing the death penalty and see themselves as some how morally superior for doing so are continuing down the slippery slope by now outlawing life sentences or sentences exceeding say 20 years.

    There are serious moral issues that cause conflict in our criminal justice systems. Executing a person who has been convicted of Murder is a serious thing. I would hope there is an eye witness to the Murder, which often there is not. The only witness is the deceased victim. People can change. People can be rehabilitated, but only if they want to. So, if they want to, perhaps they should be given a chance to do so. Victims of crime deserve justice, too. Let us not forget about them. However, at the same time, how does intentionally taking a human life make the world a better place.

    I used to be a huge proponent of the death penalty. I did a paper on it back in college. However, recently I have changed my stance on this. I have been a police officer for over 20 years now. I am not as big of proponent as I once was. I carry that "sword" mentioned in Romans 13. It's a heavy burden. Trust me. I pray every morning that my co-workers and I use it with mercy, kindness, and understanding.

    I really don't know what the solution is other than it lies in repairing society and a mass paradigm shift. Rather than work so hard on perfecting how we deal with Murderers, why not work on changing hearts and minds so that violence is no longer a viable solution to people? There will always be a few truly evil people that in their core hold no value for human life, have no desire to change, and present a true danger to society. I don't think that applies to most of the people who go through our criminal justice system. I do think that society is at the root of crime.

    When society as whole decides to put others first, chooses selfless love over profit, cares for the sick, the hungry, the homeless, we may not have to have this debate anymore. We will always have crime and violence, but we can certainly reduce it to a rarity.


    truth_b_known wrote:

    It is true the police sometimes get it wrong. It is true that sometimes prosecutors successfully litigate innocent people.

    Exactly true! There are many prisoners who are exonerated of their crimes.

    I would hope there is an eye witness to the Murder, which often there is not.

    That is why you cannot execute anyone just because police and prosecutors present a strong case.

    We will always have crime and violence, but we can certainly reduce it to a rarity.


    The death penalty will never deter crime. People who commit crimes never think they will be caught.

  • RubaDub

    With all of his money, he should get that left ear fixed.

    If the wind blew hard, he would spin like a top counter-clockwise.

    Rub a Dub

  • JW_Researcher

    Agreed that cost should NOT be a variable in a decision of this type.

    "It is more expensive to care for a lifer in prison than an execution."

    Simple googling will show this to be inaccurate. Studies vary, but the anecdotal "think of the medical costs, etc." doesn't defeat actual numbers. That executions cost more is widely know by all sides.


    Just one of MANY articles reporting on the actual studies (not anecdotes) that have looked at the issue.

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