"This is Where They Lived Happily Ever After Begins"

by The Bethelite 15 Replies latest jw friends

  •  The Bethelite
    The Bethelite

    I saw this sign (I'm sure the bride must have bought it) at a wedding rehearsal dinner yesterday.

    Yes, the smiling bride was there ordering her soon to be groom around as they were setting up their party decorations. I'm sure today October 5th will would be the happiest day of their young lives.

    Have you ever noticed that many movies end at the wedding ceremony?

    Why is this? Because for the vast majority of marriages that is the best it ever gets! The pinnacle point of love.

    Fast forward five, ten or fifteen years and with most people the bloom is off the rose.

    Of course, there are couples that have been together 30, 40 and even 50 years but we all know they are the exceptions to the rule not the norm.

    With the vast majority of people divorcing once, twice or even three times and if you look inside any Kingdom Hall they are not immune to this norm either. If fact their percentages my be even higher because of their children wanting marriages at at a time in their young live they barely know themselves let alone someone else.

    So why does this seem to be the case?

    Why for most of us we seem to have more than just one "soul mate" in our lives?

    How and why is it that we seem to fall "in love" and "out of love" so easily?

    I guess the Buddhist said it perfectly "Everything changes"

    Simply put we change!

    At the same time the person we are with, the love of our lives. changes too.

    Who knows maybe love is like milk cartons they all have an expiration date on them. Maybe yours is 60 years of maybe it is 60 months.....how about 60 minutes?

    Enjoy your milk while it is still fresh because it will.... change.

  • blondie

    No one lives happily ever after (without ever encountering bad times), if they say they do, they are lying or deceiving themselves.

    Happiness is not a constant state.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Hope they adapt to the changing circumstances. A well matched couple will get through everything

    No need to be down on all marriages, even though some do fail

  • blondie

    Road, I am married for 28 years, many happy times, but some not so. Avoiding marriage is no guarantee to being happy. Life in general means having opportunities to learn and change and grow.

  • SafeAtHome
  • peacefulpete

    I'm married 26 years and just getting the hang of it. It's pretty cool.

  • JeffT

    My wife and I were married forty-five years ago tommorrow. It's been mostly good, sometimes not. I wouldn't change it, even the dumb KH wedding when we had no idea what we were getting into.

  • smiddy3

    LOL SafeAthome ,

    The wife and I have been married for 58 years ,both converted a couple of years before marriage in a KH .

    In the cult for 32 years and left in 1993.

    Marriage is a compromise a meeting of two souls keeping the peace together , its not always harmonious but we work things out together .

    And we respect each others private space . And of course there are always outside influences that throw a spanner in the works every now and again over the years ,and we support each other when trials do come up .

    And they will ,trials that is.

    health issues are now our major concern , but we are working on them.

    Happily ever after ? well maybe but certainly not without a few major bumps along the way.

    That`s just my 2 cents worth

  • scary21

    First marriage, both raised with JW moms, lasted 10 years. ( yes I was a child ) Really legally 12 years because I was so poor raising my daughter with no support. But lived with him 10 years. His second wife left him after 10 weeks. lol I love telling that story !

    My second husband left me after 30 years together, 28 married. I was still in love with him and thought I would die. I did nothing for him to leave me for, except a younger woman stole him. He paid me dearly for me to leave but its been almost 3 years since I walked out the door. He hugged me before I left.

    I say that's what I get for marring a younger man. Then I turn around and now I have a boyfriend 11 years younger. ....... I lived after, barely I forced myself to get out ,party, travel ect. but I still love my ex. I was hoping she was a bitch ! I was totally blindsided . I think that was what made it so hard on me. your husband is kissing you for an hour telling you how much he loves you and a month latter he says I love you but I'm NOT IN LOVE with you.........

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Just sayin'

    (2 Samuel 1:26) . . . I am distressed over you, my brother Jon′a‧than, Very pleasant you were to me. More wonderful was your love to me than the love from women. . .

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