Do You Believe in Fairies?

by pale.emperor 13 Replies latest social entertainment

  • pale.emperor

    Before you start, I DON'T!!

    But i stumbled upon this article. I thought it was a joke, but it's not. These people actually believe in fairies and try to communicate with them.

    Gotta love "Heather Macdonald's" comment at the end...

  • Finkelstein

    Bless Heather MacDonald, she lives in a mental institute and is doing well !

  • sir82

    Belief in fairies was a really big "thing" 100-150 years ago. All sorts of famous people believed in them.

    Photography was a relatively new art from, and photos were faked, apparently well enough to convince many people:

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Sir Arthur Ccnan Doyle, who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories, got scammed big time because he believed in fairies. ( Read the story on his Wikipedia) Maybe the more imaginative minds have a greater capacity to believe in the unknown?


    Do You Believe in Fairies?

    Of course..

    This is the one you see after 3 Beer..



    Image result for Fat man in tutu

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Yes indeed, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle believed in fairies. He wrote a book titled The Coming of the Fairies. I downloaded it and it was ridiculous. As "proof" that fairies were real he presented photographs in his book of what were supposed to be fairies dancing around a young teenage girl. They were paper cutouts.

    He would have made a great Witness. Sad.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Belief in 'fairies' was commonplace in the UK right up until the 60s and 70s.

    And then Stonewall and other groups made sure the use of that particular expression was treated as a hate crime.

  • Simon

    They were the lizzard-people of their day.

    It just shows that there really is a sucker born every minute.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Conan Doyle was also an ardent believer in Spiritualism (talking to the dead through seances). Actually that wasn't too unusual during the post WW1 period where a lot of people had lost sons in the War, and found it comforting to go to a seance and get 'messages' from Johnny.

    One of Conan Doyle's books in his 'Professor Challenger' series mentions the Russellites, so he knew about them.

  • JRK

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