I was told by several elders to not get a dog when I was looking for one in the 80s. The end was close and we needed to focus on the preaching work. I know some have pets but a lot don't.
Ever notice a lot of JWs don't have pets?
by JimmyYoung 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes -- I heard the same crazy and knew a couple without children and she felt they had no time for a dog or pet since they were committed to the cult -- she didn't work but auxiliary pioneered now/then. Wasn't there a cult WT article couple yrs. ago about dogs (pets?) and all the negatives of having one. Miserable, selfish, cult, wants all the JWs shekels, time, life.
Maybe they reckon people will get angry with Jehovah if the pets does not survive Armageddon
road to nowhere
One of the downsizing and needgreating videos had a family getting rid of the dog. The telling oart was tge wiman saying how much she missed the comfort/stress reduction from a pet.
MY dog gives up treats to make donations ala caleb and Sophia
Watching my cats play has brought me more joy than all the years in the cult combined. I was never joy in the cult.
The WT thinks nothing should interfere with meeting attendance and field service...
I think that many hard-line JW's don't like dogs since they will sit in front of people and lick their genitals.
(Now that I think about it, if I could do it, I probably wouldn't leave my house).
Rub a Dub
Shouldn`t your post RubaDub be in the Adult -heated Debate sextion ? LOL "Your terrible Miriam" ( RubaDub)
Anything thats any time away from Watchtower will be a no no.
I don't recall any illustration in the Societies publications or any JW dot Borg video showing a family with a dog or cat. Even the "New Order" ones tend to depict them petting lions etc rather than any domestic animal.
For any "strong" JW committed to the religion , having a pet , particularly a "higher maintenance" one like a dog , is difficult to combine with the hamster wheel of never ending Watchtower related activity.