Look up the article in the Wall St Journal "How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds"
A flood of evidence has come in that people are outsourcing their thinking to their electronic devices. When you feel you will always be able to look up important information on your cell phone you simply don't remember it. You tend to lose your ability to store information in your head in a prioritized format.
The videos shown at conventions and kingdom halls have become a substitute for using one's imagination.
Relying on multimedia is not the way to prepare for the struggles JW's are supposed to be anticipating.
Imagine being thrown into solitary confinement and the video of the snipers keeps going through your head.
JW's have been duped into thinking that using technology is a gift of god. It really is a way of saving a lot of money on magazines that used to be deposited by the tons at nursing homes, laundromats and clinic waiting rooms.
If they really believe the world is going to go through a tumultuous time they ought to be less reliant on electronic devices that could be fried with an atomic blast in the upper atmosphere.
All of this immersion into technology may be ideal to keep members stupid and gullible.