What would you say?

by Freedom rocks 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tor1500


    I don't think there is anything that can be said....when a witness is comfortable and all is well, no matter if the doctrine does flip flop...they are in the "IN CROWD". Until someone steps on their toes or they miss a meeting or two and folks start acting funny towards them. Also,when they say to leave matters in Jehovah's hands & wait on Jehovah it's ok until it's them.

    Many people don't see or hear anything until it's them....as they say, "It's the thief that screams the loudest".

    Or give them a round trip ticket to Jerusalem or whatever fell in 607BC...let them look up....that is extreme but it just might work.


  • Finkelstein

    The Watchtower Corporation is commercialized false prophet operating as a publishing house and its doctrines have been tainted with the sole agenda of proliferating literature.

    Jehovah doesn't guide false Prophets and the Scriptures clearly describes how to identify them and what to do when you do come across them.

    Your righteousness in being a true faithful Christian has to be inline with the instructions laid out by Jesus or else your just a true loyal follower of (sinful) men.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The Millerites waited for the end in 1844, the next end was 1874, then Russel declared it would be one generation that was 40 years past 1874, bringing us to 1914. There were a few more failed dates such as 1925 and 1975. The generation went from adults in1914 to newborns and then now to an overlap of those babies with today's anointed.

    Your organization has scoffed at organizations that were wring less than them. They blasted Roman Carholicism for pedophile priests while hiding the same problem in their own organization.

    The only difference between "inspired" and "spirit-directed" is that they use the second one to allow themselves blunders.

    Watchtower allows children to be baptized then tells their family to shun them as teens if they didn't stick with their childhood decision. They've taken all the money from Kingdom Halls and selling Brooklyn properties and they are still going broke paying off lawsuits from hiding pedophiles.

    They are not guided by God

  • punkofnice

    I don't think the scenario is a real one. However, supposing it was..........I wouldn't try It's up to them to find their own way. If they wanted to discuss it with me then that's different. First step = ARC.

  • dubstepped

    They kept members after 1975. People stuck around after Tight Pants Tony, constant changes in what a generation means including overlapping ones, and likely lots of local scandals. There is none so blind as he who shall not see. They put their fingers on their ears and close their eyes. You'd be wasting 2 minutes of your life.

    Your best chance is probably to have them watch something like the Scientology shows by Leah Remini. Perhaps they would wake up to the similarities, but anything that is done requires them to wake up. 2 minutes isn't enough to do anything.

  • steve2
    • Advertisers know that you capture people's interest via emotion, not facts. I've got 2 minutes to reach them. Trotting out the facts won't work - otherwise it would have done so by now.
    • I also won't reach them by telling them their belief system is untrustworthy.
    • I would reach them through my humanity, my goodwill. People will remember my decency and kindness after they've forgotten everything else.
    • Graciousness is important. I'd build on what we have in common:

    "I know we have parted ways and no longer see eye to eye on a number of topics - yet I also acknowledge you have a perfect right to do what you believe is right and I appreciate that you have not stood in my way from my doing what I believe is right.

    I would never ask you to go against what you believe. At the same time, you and I are both humans, imperfect yet yearning, if not working towards our hopes and dreams.

    Sometimes the passing of time makes things clearer, other times more cloudy. I extend to you an invitation that if ever you feel the need to talk to me, I would be happy to listen to you and, if you permit me, to share with you what prompted me all these years ago to ask some difficult questions. I'd be interested in turn to hear your responses and to always keep an open mind.

    I look back in fondness at the many precious memories of the times we spent together. "

  • redpilltwice

    Some parts have already been mentioned by others, but this is what I'd do...

    Two minutes would be enough to read these verses from Deuteronomy chapter 18:

    20 “‘If any prophet presumptuously speaks a word in my name that I did not command him to speak or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. 21 However, you may say in your heart: “How will we know that Jehovah has not spoken the word?” 22 When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously. You should not fear him.’

    and then point out that "God's" only true and spirit directed organisation on earth was wrong about the end of this system and/or the preaching work in 1914, 1915, 1925, 1941, 1975, within' the 20th century

    and then ask: The WT was wrong at least six times! According to these deuteronomy verses... how many times do you think a prophet could falsely speak in the name of Jehovah before it would become clear that he is a false prophet? New light would never conflict with such important dates coming from jehovah's own revealed timetable.

    If there's some time left, I'd add this bonus:

    John 8:44 clearly states that the devil is a liar and the father of the lie.

    With a long history of so many failed prophecies, how would the WT be an exception in the light of this inspired word? Maybe read while the other was still thinking...

    1 John 4:1 Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

  • Ding

    There is no silver bullet that will work with every JW or even with most of them.

    It's better to listen to find out what might be troubling them than to try to find the perfect topic or line.

    If you're a JW and you want to bring up a volatile subject (like the Australian Royal Commission's investigation of WT cover-ups of JW pedophilia), the best way is often to ask, "What would you say to someone at the door who asks about...?"

  • jp1692

    Seriously, if I only had two minutes with a "still-in" family member or JW friend, THE LAST THING I WOULD WANT TO TALK ABOUT WOULD BE THEIR RELIGION!

    I would simply want to know how they are and to let them know I miss them and they are always welcome to keep in touch. Their response to that (which so far has universally and without exception to be to avoid me) would determine if and how I would ever discuss religion with them.

  • Freedom rocks
    Freedom rocks

    Scratchme1010 - I used 1919 on how could it have been chosen as clean organisation if it was rampant with unclean practices and teachings. Bit by bit I've managed to discuss other topics since then with some success and some massive debates. I've planted the seed now I'm leaving it to grow itself unless it wants watering more... by request of course.

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