" spend massive amounts of time away from his family to shepherd the flock, prepare talks, travelling to give talks and judging others in judicial committees."
If you mean 5 minutes as Massive in the car just to pull out a verse to discuss with the person they are going to shepherd;then yeah thats so much effort and sacrifice ! I am grateful for that....noooooot !
I have seen these elders come to the house ,then sit in the car and discuss what to say just before knocking on the door. So much Holy Shit working on them.
If you mean during the meeting preparing for the talk they are about to give, then hell ya what a sacrificing brother he is ......noooot ! (seen this often too).
If you mean travelling to their best buddy's house for the day/weekend, on the pretense of giving a talk, wow unbelievable sacrifice of Massive time . I take my hat off to them....nooooot !
All a farce.