jdash you sound like you are getting your stuff together. Plenty of good advice around here.
I am going to go off thread a bit.
Do you have an after school job? If not........ start looking for one...... besides making some money you meet with a different set of people then school mates, or JW friends.
Next time your at a big box store go there after school or on a Saturday and study the employees. You will see many of them talking as they stock the shelves or hauling in the shopping carts.
Another approach is to look into something that really interests you, a music store, or game store, a pet store there are any number of things.
My nephew thought that he would look into a Lube and Oil garage and aim to be a mechanic. Maybe start with one of those quick lube places. But they weren't hiring.
"What do you know about this business". The Boss asked him.
"Nothing" he responded. "But I'll work for free after school and on Saturday for one week. and when the week is up I'll know a lot more!"
Ok the boss said you start on Monday and finish Saturday.
They mechanics started to call him Charley Hustle. He always had his broom cleaning up, running to bring a particular tool. Hauling in tires whatever it took.
He helped doing oil changes, topping off the fluids .
At the end of the week he was hired.
Then he really did something smart. He spent every minute he could assisting the guy who realigned the front wheels. Learning to us the computer and technical equipment. This guy was getting on in years and my nephew made his job easier. So he shared his valuable knowledge. When he retired my nephew took over.
He made it his business to learn every job, got along with everyone. Turned 21 and he was the manger of the shop.
You find something that interests you and work can be more satisfying.
Just Saying.