my sources tell me that it's time to pull out paper shredder
by poopie 21 Replies latest jw friends
Beth Sarim
Much sought information tends to disappear or be destroyed when it's discovered it's being looked for!! -
As I said recently in another thread, don't regimes on the cusp of collapse often display a tendency towards the mass shredding of internal documents?
Case in point, on the verge of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the press got word that Iraqi embassies everywhere were ordered to shred and burn documents before clearing out.
Here's is a good exploratory evaluation to this recent shredding directive from the WTS headquarters. The WTS is getting a bit nervous and paranoid aren't they ???
Once again, who the f**k is Stuart Anderson??? -
This new directive by the WTS heads tells a tale of deception and corruption, the WTS wants to hide and destroy evidence which reveals how the organization has handled situations of pedophilia within their organization.
That's the way the WTS wants to change their position on handling sexual abuse of children, burn the evidence.
Vidiot , Head investigative lawyer that conducted the ARC when it occurred a few months ago. -
I thought that was Angus Stewart. -
Sorry Vidiot got mixed up on the names myself .
I don't know perhaps someone else does ?.
Isn't there an on going investigation in the UK concerning the WTS's DFing policy ? -
I watched the video. Now I see what is "being shredded". Yeah, that check list of stuff. All those elders notes and things, yeah I get it. Fool me once...