Yeah then to do it all over again, Satan let loose to fool the world again really makes sense . And what's even more crazy is the biggest event ever to happen in the world was the resurrection of the ones upon Jesus death and running around Jerusalem yet no body mentions it back then and today no Christian sect talks about it. Wasn't even talked about in later bible writings. Thier resurrection should be the biggest thing talked about as proof of Jesus power yet no one does because they know it's batshit crazy talk.
What does the Armageddon Genocide Actually Accomplish?
by xjwsrock 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Very good point, xjwsrock.
Where do they get all this from anyway?
Armageddon means 'the mount of Megiddo', and is a place in Israel.
It is only mentioned once in the Bible, and in Revelation.. which is a very strange book.
The rulers of the earth are gathered together there for the battle, then there are plagues and a lot of hail.
Where do they get the idea that there will be a lot of people lying around dead all over the world?
xjwsrock - "What does the Armageddon genocide actually accomplish?"
It serves as the ultimate supernatural revenge fantasy.
Maybe it's for bird food? However, if people were destroyed by an intense fire, there wouldn't be anything for the birds to eat but ashes. So ....
murder(execute) 8 billion non-believers to just turn around and resurrect 20 billion other non-believers?"God's justice."
Over my years I have listened to some jw go on about what was called the 'new-order' and what would be. They all had assumptions that:
there would be fuel
there would be electricity
and shops with good in them.
there would be potable water for all to use.
If I raised the need perhaps to boil water to make it safe I always got some stupid giggle and the line that we would light a fire (how?) by rubbing two sticks together. Followed by a quick change of subject.
What does the Armageddon Genocide Actually Accomplish?
A stunted gene pool.
According to official JW theology/doctrine type fantasy bullshit, it goes like this.
Universal Sovereignty.
You see, mass genocide will turn out the best way of doing things and it will ultimately reveal the infinite wisdom of God. His love and justice will shine through, and his right to rule and his claim as 'universal sovereign' will be unquestionable.
And in case it is questioned the universal sovereign/tyrant will quickly execute any who don't follow the strict regime of gruelling daily worship rituals. It's called 'Paradise', perfect seasons all year round. Strictly no clothes and technology, because the Universal Soveriegn has a history of getting volatile and letting his rage take over when humans get overly ambitious. It's that genocide thing, it crops up from time to time with the Jehovah.
But at least we will have settled the sovereignty issue, because that's the real issue after all, Universal Sovereignty. Just ask a JW about this universal issue of extreme importance, they will teach you.
Why murder 8 billion non-believers to just turn around and resurrect 20 billion other non-believers?
You heretic. Don't you see that the non believers alive now are all evil, because they didn't take the Watchtower and Awake when it was offered? Paybacks a bitch you know. Where as the people that will be resurrected are good, because they died before Armageddon. Timing is everything.
Of course it's all a bit confusing because there are 1.36 billion people in China now who have probably never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses. And probably most people in western countries don't actually have any idea what they teach. And the people that will be resurrected have a heck of an advantage over those living now because they will have proof Jehovah exists and he wants them to be JWs, since he killed everyone else. But I am sure that will all be explained somehow.
I can just visualise millions of resurrected Muslims in the new system of things , can you ?
Should be interesting.