Can a parent slap or use a "rod of discipline" on their kids? I know it's politically incorrect and perhaps illegal, but is it a personal decision based upon the scriptures or is it taboo these days?
Can JWs Use Corporal Punishment On Their Children?
by minimus 19 Replies latest jw friends
Only in self defense..... ;^)
Seriously, there are times when one needs to use physical force (pain) to restrain a child. I had a two year old (my granddaughter) who was biting me with a bulldog grip despite my painful protests. I used my free hand to twist the hair above her ear. She let go immediately and then we had a serious talk.
politically incorrect and perhaps illegal
??? No it's not...
During the Australian royal commission, one of the lines of questioning to Jackson was the societies view on corporal punishment.
He ducked and weaved and dodged the question until he was forced to give an answer.
He said "no, I don't personally agree with corporal punishment" which goes against the official society writings from years back...
Smacking / assault
Is smacking illegal?
Under Section 58 of the Children Act 2004, it is unlawful for a parent or carer to smack their child, except where this amounts to ‘reasonable punishment’, though this is not defined in the legislation. As such, whether a smack amounts to reasonable punishment will depend on the circumstances of each case, taking into consideration factors like the age of the child and the nature of the smack. Physical punishment will be considered ‘unreasonable’ if it leaves a mark on the child or if the child is hit with an implement such as a cane or a belt.
It is illegal for teachers, nursery workers and child care workers to smack another person’s child. If a person is employed privately by a parent, such as a baby sitter or nanny, the parent may give permission for that person to smack their child as long as it is reasonable and does not amount to an offence.
I wrote an article about this after the ARC, out of annoyance at Geoff's dishonesty. Corporal punishment was actively encouraged by Watchtower in the past, but now they are more cautious as to how this is worded, so as not to be seen to be breaking the law where corporal punishment is illegal, such as some states of Australia.
Great article Paul!
Thanks for the link.
In my experience, it is not done with even 10% of the frequency of the past.
30-40 years ago it was the norm. Nowadays it is increasingly rare (although still used by some).
I know it's politically incorrect and perhaps illegal
It's illegal in the UK and in some other European countries - Sweden, for instance.
Oh those terrible two's. My kids were six years apart and when my daughter hit that two year mark her 6 year old brother towered over her. We just could not get her to stop biting. Tried everything but her favorite target was, at the perfect height for her petite size, her brother's stomach. Well one day he had ENOUGH saw her coming grab her arm and placed it right in the target area and she bit herself, she came crying to me. BINGO, like majic it worked she never bit again. Solved by a six year old.