In this weeks mid week meeting the Society is trying to explain why humans are a higher level of being than animals and then they say this:
12 “So, to me how precious your thoughts are! O God, how much does the grand sum of them amount to! Were I to try to count them, they are more than even the grains of sand.”(Psalm 139:17, 18a) Animals too are wonderfully made, and some possess certain senses and abilities that exceed those of humans. But God gave humans mental faculties that far surpass those of any animal. “As similar as we humans are in many ways to other species, we are unique among the earth’s life forms in our ability to use language and thought,” notes one science textbook.
Note that they don't say what the text book is. I've noticed that as of the last few years they don't usually say what the source of their material is. Why be so vague? So I did a Google search of those exact words and came up with a Google book, Science for All Humans by F. James Rutherford. And here's the full quote:
As similar as we humans are in many ways to other species, we are unique among the earth's life forms in our ability to use language and thought. Having evolved a large and complex brain, our species has a facility to think, imagine, create, and learn from experience that far exceeds that of any other species. We have used this ability to create technologies and literary and artistic works on a vast scale, and to develop a scientific understanding of ourselves and the world.
No wonder they didn't say where it was from, so no one would as easily got a Google search maybe? I don't know. But yet again, another quote taken out of context. The author obviously does not share the same views as the paragraph here would say.