Anyone here like jogging?

by Elsewhere 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I started several weeks ago and all I can say is WOW! What they say is true... it is very adictive. The natural high is amazing. Every day I start getting all ansi if I don't go out and run at least a mile. When I'm finished I'm left with an incredible high with lots of energy where I'm wanting to go out and do more things.

    The only problem so far is I have developed something called Shin Splints... it was caused by my running too much... before I started I did not do much in the way of exersize, so my body is just not used to it. The only way to recover from this is to spend a few days resting... but that is so hard... I keep wanting to go out and run.

    Anyone else like to run?

  • tinkerbell82

    i'm a hardcore runner. i love it like nothing else. :)

  • micheal

    I ride my treadmill all the time - love it

  • SixofNine


    Six~ but at who? class

  • drwtsn32

    My wife loves running! But I cannot stand it. I have always hated long distance running... ever since we had to run a whole mile in middle school. I would sprint pretty well though, but who can't?

  • tinkerbell82

    i can't, im a horrible sprinter! i love distance running. my short little body is more adapted to it ;)

  • drwtsn32

    Thanks tink! Now I don't feel so bad.

  • inky

    I love it. I started last summer. I could barely run a minute when I started. Now I can run 1/2 a hour. I hope to run a 5k this month. If I can get in shape enough. It is so additive.


  • Elsewhere

    Any suggestions for the Shin Splints?

    I'm thinking about going to my Dr to see if she can recommend anything. I have some good shoes and the track I run on is one of those soft artificial ones... so I know that the cause is not that... I'm thinking that I have just pushed myself too hard.

    I did not run on Saturday or Sunday to give my legs time to heal, then I ran again today and it came back.

  • tinkerbell82

    i get shin splints when i run on asphalt. avoid that is you can. my legs do the bets on a treadmill. other than that, icing helps...but theyre a fact of running life

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