Can I pick up a New World Translation from the JW London head office?

by Camperdown9 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jookbeard
    they started a "cart" campaign a few years back to replace partly the pointless waste of time that " door knocking" used to be that what was they were infamous for, they generally just stand/sit around waiting for passers by to take the mags/brochures but in all honesty its just as pointless and an and even bigger waste of time, the jw's generally just sit around gossiping and playing with their phones, in a few years time I doubt you will see these carts at train stations /town centres etc, I sense you know a little bit more about them though than perhaps you are revealing.
  • LisaRose

    The Jehovah's Witnesses believe we are living in the last days, that soon God will destroy most of mankind except Jehovah's Witnesses. They believe seven men in Brooklyn represent and speak for God and the only way to survive the coming apocalypse is to do everything they say. Their chronology is based on some complicated interpretation of the old testament that, based on the date of the fall of Jerusalem in 607 that supposedly means the last days started in 1914. They used to think Armageddon was going to be 1914, but when that didn't happen they said it was the start of the last days. They then predicted other dates, most notably 1975, but when that didn't happen they just started saying it was right around the corner. I am 61, but was told not to go to college as I didn't have time for a career in this system. The date for the fall of Jerusalem they use is not supported by any reputable bible scholar. Their New World Translation is just a copy of another translation that has been a altered to fit JW theology. They add the name of God to the New Testament with no justification whatsoever, it's not in the original text.

    They are a cult, they use cult mind control and use fear, obligation and guilt to control people. People are not allowed to talk to former member and there is no easy way to leave. If you leave and decide to vote, or celebrate Christmas or any of a number of other trivial, but forbidden things you will be disfellowshipped and your family and friends will not be a allowed to talk to you.

    Yes, there is uniformity, but it's not a good thing. You are expected to attend two meetings a week, two hours each. Programs are predictable to the point of boring, there are rote question and answer sessions where there is only one correct answer. You are also expected to preach each week. You must report your time, if you do not preach each month you will be counseled by an elder. You are not supposed to watch certain movies, listen to certain music, go to college or have friends outside the organization. You are discouraged from personal pursuits, wanting to advance in your career, have hobbies or any kind of life that interferes with meeting attendance and preaching

    They have a record of hiding and protecting child molesters, they are currently being investigated by the Austrialian Royal Commission. They require two witnesses to do anything in the case of an accusation, since child abusers seldom have extra witnesses it means that most get away with no punishment, the law is not called unless it is required, sometimes not even then. Victims are told to leave it in Jehovah's hands and they are discouraged from saying anything, even threatened. Having a history of child abuse does not disqualify you from being an elder.

    They lie about and hide their past, and are constantly changing and flip flopping on doctrine. The Governing body must be obeyed without question, even though some of them seem quite nutty, obsessing over "homosexual tight pants" and spanx, which is an undergarment but which they apparently think are yoga pants. One of them has a very odd demeanor, over enunciating words and having exaggerated facial expressions.

    If all that sounds good to you, then go for it, I am sure they will be happy to have you, but don't say I didn't warn you.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    it might be slightly interesting to get your opinion of the watchtower version of the bible. its basicly the same as any other english translation--full of nightmare stories--the only real difference is you will keep finding the word " jehovah" inserted here there and everywhere. but--if that annoys you--just substitute the name " mickey mouse".

    oh--by the way i havent had any form of bible in my house for 40 odd years. no need for any invisible friend in my life.

  • Hadriel


    Be clear I've not done this on a professional level by any stretch but have been studying Koine Greek for some time now. The problem with the New World Translation is that it adds/removes without noting the adding or removing. Particularly as it pertains to Jesus there are many changes that are not supported by the original text. Speaking of primarily the Greek Scriptures. I'm certain after much study that the NWT is simply not accurate. When it veers from the JW taught doctrine the bible itself, regardless of the warning in Revelation, it is changed to support it.

  • Wonderment

    Camperdown9: "I'm an Anglican and not a Jehovahs Witness. What I dislike about lots of church congregations is their readiness to make unpleasant and unhelpful comments about other Christian groups."

    I agree with you there.

    However, asking most ex_JWs how they feel about the religion, will most likely get you a flood of the most disparaging criticisms one could ever come up with.

    I too have a problem with the religion. I have been victimized for abandoning the JW religion. My family have deserted me. Nevertheless, I can still see some of the good things they do well. I venture to say that every group of believers do some things right and many things wrong. The JWs are no exception. A main problem with the JWs has to do with their shunning policies, and the control the leadership exerts over their followers. In that sense, the JWs are a dangerous religion.

    About the NWT, there are all sorts of opinions about it, mostly bad. But I feel those people who put it down so harshly reflect their own religious bias as well. Someone here said of the JW Bble that, "Their New World Translation is just a copy of another translation that has been a altered to fit JW theology." The first part of this statement is simply not true. The burden is on the person to prove such allegation. On the second part of the statement, I agree that the NWT has been adapted to fit JW theology. What a lot of people fail to realize though, is that just about every Bible translation out there has been adapted to fit the theology of the translators, whoever they may be. This outcome is often not deliberate, but a consequence of their educational background.

    I am glad to see someone open enough to query others about another faith. In the end, I advise anyone to be careful of whatever claims any religious group make of other faiths, and be willing to analyze different opinions on the matter before reaching a personal conclusion.

    Good wishes!

  • pepperheart
    Also they do not belive in the trinity and lots of other things that all christians belive
  • slimboyfat

    Not sure if they'd give you one at the branch. If you ask JWs at a cart they'd arrange for you to get one. Or you could ask for a visit on their website. Or you could just buy a secondhand copy on Amazon.

  • stuckinarut2

    You say that you dislike the way other faiths speak badly about other religions?

    WELL, you should see how JW's speak about other faiths!

    They have condemned them all, including yours, as a "harlot" and "of the devil"...

  • FayeDunaway

    Camperdown, if I was you I would go to your Anglican church next Sunday and fall on your knees, kiss the ground, thankful that you have freedom of your own thoughts and can even publicly differ from your peers on details of doctrine, if you so desire, without being shut off from everyone you were ever allowed to be close to.

    You may have heard little judgmental comments about JW's by members of your church...but witnesses firmly believe, and say every week, that all other churches and the people in them will be destroyed by God for being evil. I wouldn't feel too sorry for the poor witnesses if I were you, but I do commend your openness of mind. Individually many of them are wonderful people...but they still believe God is going to destroy everyone soon, who doesnt join their religion.

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