I think you are on the right track. People can come up with all kind of convoluted reasons why a loving God would create mankind then go off and leave us to torture and kill each other for centuries, but in the end it just doesn't make any sense.
And believing in a literal Adam and eve is ridiculous when science proves mankind has been on the earth far longer than any possible interpretation of the bible could account for. Most Europeans have Neanderthal DNA, how could that be if we were created? That is just one piece of the mountain of evidence that confirms we evolved, there is so much more.
It's hard at first when your whole world view changes so quickly, but I would never go back to believing in fairy tales, no matter how comforting. Just because God isn't going to step in and save mankind from themselves does not mean there is no hope, it just means we have to work harder at making the world a better place. I believe what Ghandi said, that we must be the change we wish to see in the world.
So take your time getting used to these new ideas, educate yourself on things, learn all you can about cults and how they warp your thinking. I recommend Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steve Hassan, especially if you want to get your husband out. Don't make any big decisions, be very careful what you say to others. You are starting on an exciting journey of discovery.