by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    That’s my attitude toward anyone making an assertion.

    I’m sick of people saying such and such is true simply because we are saying it.

    I would think that those here would agree because we all have been Jehovah’s Witnesses. We were given preposterous beliefs and were expected to swallow the kool aid simply because we were told by “Mother “.

    Just because the news media, the politicians, “science”, etc. say it is so, I say PROVE IT! I’m no longer going to take your word unless I get facts from both sides.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The burden of proof rests squarely on the shoulders of the people making the assertion. That's how science works. It's also fundamental for intelligent debate.


    "Science is sexist" - well, what evidence do you have to support your assertion?

    "Trump is not only a racist, he's also a fascist" - again, show me the evidence, please.

    "The USA is racist" - er, you're not stupid, you get the idea.

    "Jeremy Corbyn hates Jews" - again: evidence, please.

    Yeah, good thread Min- people who make assertions need to provide supporting evidence. Otherwise, they might be talking crap.

    That's how science works; that's how intelligent debate works.

    "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence" - Christopher Hitchens.

  • minimus

    Sometimes here, you will see someone have a hissy fit because their arguments are not accepted. They “feel” a certain way so it must be true. Then they cry racism or prejudice.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i think a lot of dubs who were born in--or came in at an early age with parents ( i did ) have the belief that it must be the true religion--because we are in it. which i suppose is fair enough--after all--who would remain a member of a religion that they believed was false ?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    There certainly are many babies who whine when their assertions are rebuffed. Unfortunately in the era of Donald's "Fake news" tirades, all assertions, even those with evidence, are dismissed out of hand. We have entered the time of "Alternate facts" and evidence when presented is disregarded. As the witch from the Wizard of Oz said in the movie as she melted, "What a world!". Sorry I don't know exactly the time and frame she says it in.

  • minimus

    Was a, that’s why real facts are important. Real evidence is too. If so called facts are based on bias or on information taken out of context, it’s fallacious. Look at the Kavanaugh Supreme Court debacle. They had PROOF that the judge was a perverted rapist.... yeah right!

  • minimus

    Stan, you ask who would remain in a religion they know is false?? Lol , there are elders that post here that know better and lead double lives with no apparent problem.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    min--yes--youre right. i know ive had words in the past with a few of them. i can understand the rank and file staying in for the sake of keeping marriages and family intact...but to be an elder--?

  • LauraV

    I've noticed that a few posters here get away with saying certain things that others cannot

  • Simon

    “That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”

    – Christopher Hitchens

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