I read in the news about more people getting killed by cars than with guns and recently a lot of stabbings and tobacco and drugs.. I am not a statistics man but it seems to me that in places where everyone has guns means a balance of power hence less crime, ok, people go crazy and go on a rampage occassionanly but if these carzy people knew that they were walking to a place where everone was armed they would not be so crazy, but statiustically speaking even with such tragedies the overall violent crimes are down in comparsion to states where only criminals have guns. More people get killed with illegal guns by criminials than with legal guns by criminals. I dunno. What are the stats?
It is insanity! The streets are filled with armed criminals but decent people are not allowed to own gun because they are illegal and they are dangerous. Maybe I am not seeing things right but I wonder how many of these crazy people that are going around cutting peoples faces in New York city would actually think and not be so crazy if they knew that the person they planned to stab could pull out a gun and shoot them. Crazy people will do crazy things with or without guns being legal and careless people will always endanger the lives of others and criminals will likely choose an easy target but at least give a decent person a fighting chance.