...what would they be?
If jw.org had memes...
by rebel8 36 Replies latest jw friends
not sure why this thread isn't viral already...bump. -
I'm sure OUTLAW would have something to post on this topic... -
Did JW tell the Kushners that this [Rebel8's meme] is what is going to happen to their soon-to-be new acquisition ?? And if "soon" "just around the corner" "shortly" the $$ 700 M will also have bugger-all value for JW why are they going balls-to-the-wall ahead with these pursuits with the "worldly world lying in Satans power" ? -
Barrold Bonds
here's one i whipped up
An *actual* JW meme from JW Talk - gotsta love the crazy eyes, hehehe
My JW family has entire Pinterest boards devoted to JW memes. Most of them make me feel ill when I read them, but some of them are pretty accurate and funny. Here is one my niece posted.
Here's another one she posted. I am pretty she'll be out as soon as she grows up! LOL!
I sort of get the idea but what exactly is 'memes'.
and, Zappa-Esque. I agree entirely. perhaps they have some idea that Jesus will return physically (yes/no depending on flip flop) and live in one of their palaces/farms/ get aways. You know the ones that then wont need scheme water and electricity. My goodness I am being sarcastic.