Magnum: I believed that people had to have curiosity, integrity, strength, honesty, and a willingness to be different to hear and act on the "ring of truth".
However, I continued to be curious; I continued to question and seek. I grew in honesty and strength. My curiosity, integrity, honesty, etc. led me to where I am today. I believe that I have now reached a 2nd level, a higher level of curiosity and integrity, and I think they many, if not most, JWs won't be able to do that.
The way JW operate, they will most likely only find 'level 1' curious people.
You know, the type of people that might wonder about important questions, but are too lazy (or just not curious enough) to really investigate.
So, when a stranger knocks at their door (or when they are born-in) and delivers the apparent answers on a silver platter on their doorstep, they are curious enough to listen to what he has to say.
And when they hear that initial 'ring-of-truth' their other fine qualities (integrity, strength, honesty) help them to be sucked in to the cult.
Any 'level 2' curious person already did his own research, and if he encounters JW already is much better equipped with knowledge and opinions to see through their bullsh#t.
While writing this I suddenly realize that all those people I encountered in field 'service' that directly rejected me/Watchtower/Jehovah...they were not all ignorant, unwilling to learn or investigate, dishonest or less than integer. Many of them might have been, but a large portion had already investigated all kinds of topics, reached an honest conclusion, and knew up-front that whatever I was going to say wasn't worth their time.
Like I already know up-front that their is no value in letting a young-earth-creationist try to 'prove' to me that the earth is actually a little over 6k years old. I heard it all, he can bring nothing new, so no thanks.
In field service it was me - blindfolded by Watchtower - who wasn't curious, honest, integer and strong enough to really listen to what those people I met had to say, and then investigate that. It was me who was on level 1 or less for all these fine qualities.