what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures? The bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It's their divine right, handed down in a direct lineage from Paul to Pastor Russell to the present day Governing Body. The word 'Watchtower' has been lost over the years through mis-translations, along with Blessed are the cheesemakers and other such insights. Don't worry one day the watchtower will make the ancient scriptures obsolete and we'll need rely only on their literature for spritual inspiration.
I hope this answers your question, welcome to the board.
As long as people believe what they teach, that provides them with authority.
"The word 'Watchtower' has been lost over the years through mis-translations, along with Blessed are the cheesemakers and other such insights."
who, other than the watch tower told you this, because if only the watch tower told you this than how can you know that there interpretation is correct?
who, other than the watch tower told you this, because if only the watch tower told you this than how can you know that there interpretation is correct?
yes exactly. JesusFreak--who other than the Bible told you it was inspired of the only true god? who other than the god of the Bible told you that he was the only true one?
I think you might be mistaken about this forum slightly...looks like you might just fit in pretty well!
"As long as people believe what they teach, that provides them with authority."
Just because you believe in something does not make it right.
I am wondering where they get the authority to originally say that they are right.
anyone can say they are right. no divine grant is needed for that. people lend them authority when they buy into their schpiel
It must be my programming... arrrggghhh my ties too tight... where's my book bag? Where can I go to get help??
Jesusfreak, they're goofing with you.
The word 'Watchtower' has been lost over the years through mis-translations, along with Blessed are the cheesemakers and other such insights.
Now look, I had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, "that piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah."
Seriously, the WT claims authority (and is recognized as such by JWs) by virtue of its unique understanding of Bible principles, termed the "truth". Many JWs refuse to look elsewhere because they believe the WT uniquely holds the "truth" and will not even consider other organizations unless you can prove that they have the "truth".
An "authority" only has as much authority as an individual assigns it.
It's like money... it's only worth as much as someone thinks it's worth.