Where are they now?

by Sabin 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Sabin

    Geoffrey Jackson

    Terrence O'Brien

    Vincent Toole

    Rodney Spinks

    Ron de Rooy

    Doug Jackson

    Max Horley

    Joe Bello

    Dion Ali

    and Kevin Bowditch

    Did I miss anyone? After being part of a great cover up of child abuse within the Borganization & lying to the A.R.C. with no remorse, where the hell are they. Please do tell me that these men were taken into the back room with 3 prestigious elders who have never made a mistake in their Holier than holy lives & were disciplined. Loss of privileges, private reprove, public reprove, even disfellowshipping.


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  • OrphanCrow

    It will be whitewashed.

    The spin will be along the lines of "the brothers who gave a good witness".

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  • joe134cd
    Vincent tool was reported to the law society for misconduct for not advising people to report sex abuse to the authorities. I don't know if he has lost his registration.
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  • zeb
    Been wondering as to the fate of Jackson and Tool myself. As Sabin said "Anybody?" and also if that "doctor" the expert witness that the wts called in to the ARC has had any more work since she made such a geek of herself at the ARC.
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  • Listener

    Vincent Toole is still registered in New South Wales as a Principle of a law practice, details can be found on the website of the Law Society of NSW. His email address is also provided if you want to ask him what his status is.

    From experience (with the CPA Society - Accountants) they are very protective of their members probably because they are the ones registered with them and they are the ones that pay fees to them.

  • Finkelstein

    Apparently the boys are doing a drag show on Broadway called " The Anointed Gals "

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  • AudeSapere

    Joe134 wrote: Vincent tool was reported to the law society for misconduct for not advising people to report sex abuse to the authorities. I don't know if he has lost his registration.

    Really? How do you know this? It's the first I've heard this status.

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  • Listener

    Aude Sapere - the public was advised in the submission from the RC as follows

    Toole said that although he understood what was put to him, the Jehovah’s Witness organisation has not reported child sexual abuse on the understanding that only the mandatory reporting laws applied.741 Mr Toole confirmed that the organisation’s understanding was also his understanding.742
    417 It is implicit in Mr Toole’s confession to a ‘wake‐up call’ that prior to being called to give evidence before the Royal Commission he did not advise elders from New South Wales of their obligations under the concealment laws. It follows that where elders in NSW formed the view that child sexual abuse had occurred they were obliged under sanction of the criminal law to report those cases to the police.
    418 Mr Toole should accordingly be referred to the Law Society of New South Wales for possible investigation.

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  • OzGirl
    What Listener said.
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  • smiddy

    Don`t expect justice anytime soon .The law works at a snail`s pace , if justice is served at all .

    What about the reply Jehovah`s Witness Organization gave to the ARC 70 or so recommendations they needed to conform to ?

    They challenged every one of them , how is that going ?


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