You should not even exist!

by stuckinarut2 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stuckinarut2

    A thought struck me.....

    The very generation (no pun intended) of people who the society is focussing SO much attention on, that is THE CHILDREN, should not even be here! (Think Caleb and Sofia etc)

    Their parents, who are probably aged between 20 - 40 are the very generation too that should NOT be here if the societies strict guidance from the 70's and 80's was followed by their to not have kids "BECAUSE THE END IS SOOOOOO CLOSE!"

    But no, instead, let's forget about those "clear directions" and instead just hope no one remembers all that "theocratic guidance" from decades ago....

    Ok, thought over....

  • KateWild

    Good point kids should not be here either.

    But WT is so family orientated that obviously people had kids.....and many who didn't regret it.

    Glad I did

    Kate xx

  • SonoftheTrinity
    Telling someone that they are not going to see it in their generation, and that they vainly worship their generation more than Jah. That's when I love to stick it to them, because when a prophet prophesies that which does not come to pass you have a positive duty to mock that prophet.
  • prologos

    It shows the selfishness of all believers in an earthly paradise, for the limited resources precludes unlimited opportunities for future generations, particularly if Billions are to be resurrected too. Conversely one can see the generosity of a possible creator to open life for so many (rather than few) interesting lives during the 9 billion years of possible inhabitable period of this planet.PS

    wt teachings not only prevented the birth of new loved ones, but condemns (falsely) billions to an early death too.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    ...when a prophet prophesies that which does not come to pass you have a positive duty to mock that prophet.

    Or stone him to death.

  • steve2

    Excellent OP. I totally agree.

    If earlier generations of JWs - in fact, all the way back to Rutherford's time when he advised on the best way to use your time in the remaining "months" of this system of things - had followed their organization's at times heavy-handed advice not to marry and/or have children, the ranks of JWs would be very, very thin by now and baptisms would have plummeted decades ago.

    Mind you, up until recent decades, a lot of "new blood" was coming into the organization from the door-to-door work.

  • Lost and adrift
    Lost and adrift
    My mother said she didn't think I'd have to go to school...I was born 1970....I grew up in perpetual fear ...being told armageddon was just around the dad died when I was 8 I didn't know if he'd be resurrected because he wasn't a witness anymore.'s all to much for a child's brain lol....
  • Finkelstein

    The provocation of fear worked for the WTS as to alluring people to the organization so they can be exploited for labor and money.

    All under a pretentious urgency due to This Generation Witnessing the events starting from 1914 by the WTS own date setting calculation. Jesus is now looking upon who are adhering to this words and teachings to see if they should not be killed and live on in a earthly paradise. The WTS proclaims they are and those that are obedient to their directions will also be saved. Sounds good doesn't

    Its amazing how much you make people believe conniving coercive bullshit, when you use and exploit the basic existing belief in the bible within the population.

    Many religious charlatans have bullshitted with a intent of selling products such a literature they publish, the activity of the WTS is just one of these circumstances.

  • smiddy

    My wife and I were told our children would never have to go to high school , this was in the early 60`s .

    Not only did they go to high school they have children of their own who have not only gone to high school but their offspring are approaching it as well.


  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. under C T Russel once proclaimed that Jesus returned 1874 and that Armageddon was going come in 1914.

    It didn't but the self indulgent idiot sold quite a few books and magazines in the process.

    There two engaging elements to the WTS and its self derived doctrines, one being partially out of ignorance and the other from self serving corruption.

    What people don't realize is that the WTS leaders have been corruptly devious about time stamping dates and making outlandish proclamations which are directly opposite or apostate to the actual bible teachings through Jesus Christ/Jehovah.

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