If J-Dubs claim to be the authority on Bible literacy and teaching, then why can't they conduct a Bible study or preach without a WTS publication?
Consider this:
If I claimed to be an authority on Shakespeare during a conversation with a friend, would I pull out a book written by someone else that explained it? How does that prove that I understand Shakespeares work?
If I were at a job interview or at a career networking party, and claimed to be proficient with computers, would I pull out a book that explains how computer software works?
Have you ever seen a university professor spend the entire lecture reading from a third party publication?
Has anyone noticed how the 'Reasoning' book is always used as a parachute when someone at the door knows more about the Bible than a J-Dub? If the org claims to be doing such a great job of teaching it's followers about the Bible, why do they carry this book during field service?
It would be interesting to find out just how many of the millions that go into field service, can conduct a Bible study, or even discuss a Bible topic without the use of a publication. My opinion is that J-Dubs are just highly trained salespeople, not Bible teachers.