Is this true

by pepperheart 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dbq407

    Yes they read a letter after last sundays meeting about this. The letter said a paper copy could be obtained but it also reminded people to donate in order to support the arrangement. Typical.

  • FedUpJW

    I wonder how many jws can read music any more?

    If one were to judge by the sound of the "singing" at the local KH I still go to for the sake of still in relatives. . .NONE.

  • FedUpJW

    My question, how do poor jws afford a tablet, in the US or other countries?

    They don't. They just get looked down upon as spiritually weak for not keeping up with J's chariot. Of course there are a few who like me refuse to be forced into the fad of buying the latest, greatest, shiniest, fastest new electronic gadget. I prefer to keep my money in my pocket, not on display. We are basically condamned because we can afford those gadgets and choose not to use them.

  • FedUpJW

    @startingover re: old versus new song.

    Well so much for making public declaration. Just send the cash! I believe I can point that little fact out to the gung ho JDubs as they make their comparisons.

  • Spiral

    The tablet thing is just ridiculous. Around 2000 I remember they were still preaching the internet was baaaaaad and my mother and her fellow senior sisters were quite righteous because they knew nothing of the internet or about computers.

    Now, the seniors have been thrown under the bus, electronically, BIG TIME.

    When I found out about it I went and bought my mother an ipad - not cheap, yes, but it's what I have and that seems fair. We took it to the KH because I wanted to make a statement. (And yes, it was noticed by the "special ones" at the hall, lol)

    My mother had been complaining that people at the hall had literature and "things" she didn't have and she felt left out. I hadn't been in about 10 years so I had no idea. But I was STEAMING MAD that they would do this to the elderly, everyone else so righteous and she, after all those years of faithful service, didn't even have "what she needed for meeting" and couldn't figure out how to get it. Now, when we go (ugh) we take the ipad just to make a point, but I print the WT for her as well.

    At home she listens to music (oldies, no "kingdom" music) and plays solitaire and word search on the tablet. She enjoys it (limited use, yes, but she has fun) and she feels more included.


  • lookout

    not a rumor, and nothing new. they've announced this 'use the online version' for the past 3-5 years, starting with the convention releases. and, btw, it's a 151-song songbook.

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