When you were "in" did you ever actually enjoy the ministry? I never did. And i made no secret about it. Instead i would joke about me feather knocking, and made sure i had my bible in hand so as they come to the door they know what im about so they can shut me down before i even start.
I always wondered HOW or WHY there were people who enjoyed it. Did they really enjoy it or were they just saying it? It's like The Emperor's New Clothes, everyone pretending they can see something that isnt there because they're "supposed" to.
In the experience parts in Thursday meetings the pioneers would always say "well, you can do just enough ministry to not enjoy it" which is saying that if you dont enjoy it its because you're not out there enough. Whenever i worked with elders on the ministry i always said i dont enjoy the ministry and i think people are more likely to ask questions in work or in casual conversation. That door to door surely must feel intrusive in this day and age. Like when you get a charity collector with a clipboard in town trying to get you to sign up. You avoid them and if you do get caught you cant get rid of them unless you sign up (or take their mags).